George Soros Is The Main Instigator Funding All These Trump Protests

George Soros

George Soros is the main instigator of and funding all these protests against Trump winning the election. DO NOT ENGAGE. Stay home, let them protest. He’s trying to start a civil war. This has probably been the back up plan all along.

They want Trump supporters to come out and challenge the protesters because they know violence will break out. This is not a joke and not a time for overreacting. Things could get very ugly, very quickly across the entire country if fights start breaking out. We are not safe until Trump is actually in the White House. Small fires can spread very quickly under the right conditions. Be prepared. The powerful elite do not go down easily.

Mass civil unrest = Martial Law = President suspending transfer of power due to “National Emergency”. This is the plan.

Proof the protests are staged:
They found the buses! Dozens lined up just blocks away from the Austin protests.


More proof the protests are staged:
Pretty sure he paid for all these protest signs. Petitioned To Keep Boko Haram Off Terrorist List

Let’s see how much longer this petition stays up.

They did take it down as expected. Here is the cached version of the page.

From Gateway Pundit:

The far left is suddenly outraged at the Nigerian Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. This came after the Islamist group kidnapped over 200 school girls in northeastern Nigeria. Michelle Obama tweeted out this sad-faced picture in support for the girls.
michelle girls nigeria

But it wasn’t that long ago the left was petitioning in support of Boko Haram.

boko haram moveon

Here’s the full petition


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