Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

Lois Lerner takes The Fifth in response to each of Darrell Issa’s questions.

“Pleading the fifth” is not necessarily an admission of guilt, but it’s telling that one of the central figures of this scandal has twice declined to offer testimony that she evidently thinks could produce some very negative outcomes for her.


Not even a smidgeon of corruption my ass!

Lois Lerner Takes The Fifth, Again

Lois Lerner refuses to testify at House hearing on IRS targeting of tea party

Rush Limbaugh nails it.

RUSH: When I look at this Lois Lerner, IRS babe, I see somebody who is miserable, mean, vindictive, unhappy, and vengeful. The woman just encapsulates all of that just in her facial expression. This is the woman who led the IRS effort to essentially disenfranchise the Tea Party. This is the woman at the IRS who was responsible for all of the decision-making, aside from Obama…. You know liberals like that. You just do, and you know you do. Just unhappy, miserable. Everything in life is politics. Every day spent in rage and anger, plotting revenge against these evil social-conservative pro-lifers.


Cleta Mitchell – Patriot Of The Day

Cleta Mitchell – Patriot Of The Day

Attorney Cleta Mitchell is our Patriot Of The Day for having the guts to to tell Congress that the DOJ investigation into the IRS is a total sham and that it’s non-existent.

This woman has more balls than all of the men in Congress!

Cleta Mitchell to Congress: DOJ IRS Investigation Is a Sham, Non-Existent”

Cleta Mitchell told Congress today the IRS is still targeting conservative groups. Mitchell also said the “ongoing” DOJ investigation is a complete sham.

“I want to make three primary points here. First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real. Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bunch of bone-headed bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday. And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over. It is continuing to this day. And, the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham. It is a nonexistent investigation.”


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