Pathological Liar Obama Says Gruber “Never Worked On Our Staff”

Pathological Liar

If his lips are moving… he just heard about it!

From Gateway Pundit:

Video surfaced last week of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitting the Obama administration lied to “stupid” Americans in order to get Obamacare passed. Citizen journalists have uncovered found 4 damning videos of MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber laughing at the American people over the planned deception of Obamacare.

Gruber was paid over $4 million for scheming and deceiving the “stupid” American public.

On Sunday FOX News reporter Ed Henry finally had a chance to question Barack Obama about Gruber’s controversial comments. The rest of the liberal media outlets have been hiding the story.
Obama answered:

I just heard about this. I get well briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year long debate, Ed. I mean go back and look at the stories.”

Unfortunately for Barack Obama – White House records show that Gruber met with Obama in the Oval Office to formulate the Cadillac Tax scheme. Gruber said this in a Frontline interview and White House records show the meeting took place.

There’s even video of Jonathan Gruber admitting he met with Obama in the White House to discuss Obamacare.

Obama also released campaign ads with Jonathan Gruber.


Confessions Of A Snake Oil Salesman

Confessions Of A Snake Oil Salesman


Several years ago I purchased a brand new television set, took it home and within a couple of days found myself sorely disappointed in its performance. Everything looked great at first, but then I noticed there was no sound coming from the speakers, which probably had something to do with the fact that there was no picture on the screen. Repeated attempts to get a response to the remote control failed, as did pressing the buttons on the front. What it boiled down to is that I had a very expensive device taking up space in my living room that failed to deliver on its basic function in life. Needless to say, I immediately returned said television set to the store and demanded a refund, cancelling out a business transaction that had resulted in failure. I think most Americans would agree that we have reached that point with Obamacare.

By now so many videos (four at last count) of Jonathan Gruber calling voters stupid and bragging about the fraud he and others perpetrated on the American people in order to get Obamacare passed have surfaced that even CBS News was forced to report on it. The surprising thing about the videos is not that Liberals think voters are stupid, or that they would engage in lies and outright fraud to push their agenda, it is that anyone is surprised by this. Nancy Pelosi, working with the same attitude as Gruber, denied knowing who he was (even though she has cited him in the past) and insisted we “put him aside”. I guess this is why she said we had to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.

Mrs. Pelosi’s denials aside, it is clear that not only has Obamacare failed to deliver on its basic function in life, it was presented to the American people through deliberate fraud (as is the case with most Democrat proposals). I suppose it would be possible for defenders of the Abominable Care Act to dismiss the fraud by saying that most Americans didn’t believe the lies anyway, but I opposition to the law would certainly have been even greater if the most gullible among us had at least been told the truth. In either case the ACA has failed to solve a single one of the problems it was supposed to fix, and in fact has made most of them even worse. Why would we not repeal this insanely bad law?

It says a lot about Barack Obama as well as the Democrat Party that the crowning achievement of their eight years in control of the White House is a failed program perpetrated on the American people through fraud by people that hold them in utter contempt. One of the things it says is that we should expect the same fraud and contempt to be a part of everything they say or do, and that nothing they try to sell us can be trusted. For instance, when the President tells us about his plans for executive amnesty and how it will make America safer and more prosperous, think Jonathan Gruber.


Watch Obama Make The Case Against Executive Amnesty

Forked tongue syndrome?

President Obama irked Republicans and his past self this week by telling CBS he would bypass Congress and use executive action on illegal immigration, potentially ordering a 10-point amnesty plan as early as next week.

CNN reported that the move would likely include an expansion of deferred deportation for undocumented children to their families, and Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Obama is “nearing a final decision” on what to do. Speaker John Boehner’s (R., Ohio) office called the potential actions “executive amnesty.”

Obama could look back on statements from his first campaign and first term about what he can and can’t do as head of the Executive Branch.

“I take the Constitution very seriously,” he told a Pennsylvania town hall in 2008. “The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the Executive Branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.”

In 2011, he told a Univision town hall that there “are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system.” To ignore those congressional mandates through executive order, Obama said, would “not conform with my appropriate role as president.”

Read more…


Watch Obama Make The Case Against Executive Amnesty
“True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.” ~ Saul Alinsky


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