Sarah Palin Takes On The Media

In an interview for the upcoming documentary “Media Malpractice” Sarah Palin talks about the way she and her family have been treated by the media since John McCain named her as his Vice President nominee last summer.

There is plenty more of the interview to come. To find out more got to and get on the mailing list.

We the People – John McCain “Fight with Me”

This is an excellent video that should be an ad. Send to all you know. Stand up and fight!

Arizona Senator and Presidental Candidate John McCain’s speech at the Republican National Convention ended with “Stand up, Stand Up Fight with Me”. McCain was awesome and brought down the house.

We didn’t land on the moon because someone did it for us.

American atheletes win gold medals because of hard work, not because the government has had them training since childhood.

We didn’t let evil take over the world in World War II.

America is a great country based on hard work and principles laid out by our founding fathers.

It’s time to Stand up and Fight for them. We the People have a choice.

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