Chuck Schumer: Democrats, Not Russia, Are To Blame For Loss To Trump

Chuck Schumer says that Democrats, not Russia, are to blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Trump.

Chuck Schumer: Democrats, Not Russia, Are To Blame For Loss To Trump

Apparently Chuck Schumer just had a “Come to Jesus” moment with his thinking on Trump and Russia, Russia, Russia. Or else aliens have abducted the real Chuck Schumer.

From The Washington Post:

When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in an interview previewing the new plan. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

After blaming “Russian Collusion” for so long why is this slimy gangster changing his story now?

What on earth did the Democrats do wrong, Chuck?

Let´s see:

  • Nominate, via massive cheating, a known felon under FBI investigation with the personality of Nurse Ratched.
  • Her sex-appeal in the negative hundreds.
  • A documented career of non-accomplishment.
  • Lies galore and brazen corruption, backed up by a criminally negligent “press” several levels below pond scum.

The American people knew exactly what you Democrats stood for and we voted against it!


Russian At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting Worked For The FBI Under Mueller

When Special Counsel Robert Mueller Was FBI Director The Alleged ‘Russian Lawyer’ Who Met With Donald Trump Jr Worked for him!

Russian At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting Worked For The FBI Under Mueller

More proof that it was a Set Up!

From True Pundit:

The Russian translator at the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. worked with the State Department and the FBI during Robert Mueller’s tenure as Director of the Bureau, according to documents obtained by True Pundit.

Mueller, the former FBI director, is currently the United States Special Counsel investigating President Donald Trump’s administration and White House aides for alleged connections to supposed Russian factions. While Big Media has tried to portray Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., as having orchestrated a clandestine meeting with the Russians to attempt to find dirt on Hillary Clinton, few can seem to explain how a person linked to the FBI and Mueller, who was calling the shots for the Bureau at the time, ended up at the very same Trump Tower sit down.

Mueller’s office did not return calls for comment. The translator, Anatoli Samochornov, who also worked for the US State Department until recently, could not be reached for comment either. Former FBI officials with knowledge of the meeting and possible other FBI work performed by Samochornov refused to go on the record.

Samochornov has worked as an intelligence attache and translator for the United States in varying capacities for years. In 2010, while Mueller was FBI Director, Samochornov worked with the head of the New York FBI field office, FBI Acting Special Agent in Charge Lauren Anderson. Anderson worked with Samochornov in his role as “Program Officer” tor the State Department’s International Visitor & leadership program.

Anderson, who is now retired from the FBI, could not be reached for comment, although she has been quoted in the New York Times applauding ex-FBI boss James Comey’s alleged diligent note taking for his alleged memos compiled against President Trump. Anderson worked high profile espionage cases in Europe, Russia, France, and western Africa for the Bureau and ran the global terrorism program of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) before her recent retirement, FBI sources said.

Russian At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting Worked For The FBI Under Mueller
Russian At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting Worked For The FBI Under Mueller

A web paged archived by the FBI New York Field office shows Samochornov and Anderson. We have saved the original page in case it is scrubbed. While the archived page does identify Samochornov, searching the Russian-born translator’s name via the search bar on the FBI site does not retrieve any results.

Lawmakers and Justice Department officials need to examine what, if any, additional roles or work Samochornov performed for and with Mueller’s FBI. The appears to be yet another glaring question of conflict of interest for Special Counsel Mueller. They are piling up.



Trey Gowdy Interviews James Comey Before We Knew He Was the Leaker

Watch this clip of Trey Gowdy in action … now knowing what we know about COMEY being the Leaker ….


New York Democrat Party Asked Robert Mueller To Recuse Himself In 2006

Recusal because of being close to a witness? Good precedent to follow.


Spread this everywhere!

New York Democrat Party Asked Mueller To Recuse Himself In 2006

From the New York Times:

The F.B.I. director will not play a role in the inquiry into Decker College, the Kentucky school once run by William F. Weld, because the director and Mr. Weld, a Republican candidate for governor, are friends and former colleagues, an F.B.I. spokesman said yesterday. The New York Post reported the decision by Robert Mueller, the director, yesterday. The New York Democratic Party had asked that Mr. Mueller recuse himself, according to a party spokesman. Mr. Weld has not been accused of any wrongdoing involving Decker, which declared bankruptcy last fall amid allegations of fraud.


Hillary Clinton Requested FBI Director Mueller Deliver Highly Enriched Uranium To Russians In 2009

Hillary Clinton requested that FBI Dir. Mueller deliver highly enriched uranium to the Russians in 2009 in secret ‘plane-side tarmac meeting’

Hillary Clinton Requested FBI Director Mueller Deliver Highly Enriched Uranium To Russians In 2009

New Clinton-Mueller Russian uranium ties surface in a new Wikileaks release. Past dealings with the Russians were also mentioned in the cable.

As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium (HEU) previously confiscated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) during a 2006 “nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices,” a newly leaked classified cable shows.

So-called “background” information was provided in the cable which gave vague details on a 2006 nuclear smuggling sting operation in which the U.S. government took possession of some HEU previously owned by the Russians.

The secret “action request,” dated Aug. 17, 2009, was sent out by Secretary of State Clinton and was addressed to the United States Ambassador to Georgia Embassy Tbilisi, the Russian Embassy, and Ambassador John Beyrle. It proposed that FBI Director Robert Mueller be the one that personally conduct the transfer a 10-gram sample of HEU to Russian law enforcement sources during a secret “plane-side” meeting on a “tarmac” in the early fall of 2009.

The FBI Director was originally scheduled to ‘return’ a sample from the DOE stockpile to the Russians in April but the trip was postponed until September 21.

Paragraph number 6 of the leaked cable confirms Dir. Mueller’s Sept. 21 flight to Moscow.

FBI Director Mueller Deliver Highly Enriched Uranium To Russians

“(S/Rel Russia) Action request: Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21. Post is requested to convey information in paragraph 5 with regard to chain of custody, and to request details on Russian Federation’s plan for picking up the material. Embassy is also requested to reconfirm the April 16 understanding from the FSB verbally that we will have no problem with the Russian Ministry of Aviation concerning Mueller’s September 21 flight clearance.”

But possible even more shocking is the fact that the State Department wanted the transfer of the HEU to take place on an “airport tarmac” which is rather reminisce of the infamous Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton meeting which occurred on a Phoenix, Arizona, tarmac back in June of 2016.

Past dealings with the Russians were also mentioned in the cable, signifying that previous deals have taken place.

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