Terrorists Planned Homicide Bomb Attacks on Seven Flights Over North America

The trial that began in Britain yesterday regarding the terror plot by Radical Muslims back in August of 2006 to blow up airliners over the Atlantic is revealing what would have been the biggest terror attack since 9/11.

Now I’m all for racial profiling and I think that anybody that looks like these guys should not be allowed on any airplane.

British Terrorists Planned Homicide Bomb Attacks on Seven Flights Over North America

A British terrorist cell planned to detonate homicide bombs on seven transatlantic flights over North America, causing catastrophic loss of life, a court was told yesterday.

The flights chosen by the alleged terrorists – based in Walthamstow, East London – were scheduled to leave Heathrow Terminal 3 one afternoon carrying almost 2,000 passengers and crew.

Peter Wright, QC, opening the prosecution case against eight men accused of the plot, said that the attacks would have had “a truly global impact”.

The seven aircraft were destined for six American and Canadian cities: New York, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto and Montreal.

Wright said that the eight defendants shared a common interest in “inflicting heavy casualties upon an innocent civilian population, all in the name of Islam”.

He told Woolwich Crown Court that the key component of the bombs was a liquid hydrogen peroxide explosive carried in half-liter bottles of soft drinks.

The devices would have been carried in hand luggage, along with detonators made from batteries and disposable cameras.

No date had been finalised for the series of attacks but the alleged conspirators had conducted detailed research on flights leaving London between August and October 2006. The date range included the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

The jury was told that the alleged plot was thwarted when police made a series of arrests on August 9, 2006. That operation prompted a massive security alert at airports worldwide. Passengers were banned from carrying hand luggage and many flights were cancelled. Chaos ensued at airports around the world and international travel ground to a halt. The continuing restrictions on carrying liquids on aircraft are a direct result of security measures imposed after the alleged plot.

Wright named the key plotters as Abdulla Ahmed Ali, 27, Assad Sarwar, 27, and Mohammed Gulzar, 26. He said that Mr Ali and the five other defendants – Waheed Zaman, 23, Tanvir Hussain, 26, Ibrahim Savant, 27, Arafat Waheed Khan, 26, and Umar Islam (aka Brian Young), 29 – were prepared to be homicide bombers along with as many as 12 other plotters.

“They are men with the cold-eyed certainty of the fanatic, prepared to board an aircraft with the necessary ingredients and equipment to construct and detonate a device that would bring about not only loss of their own lives but also of all those who happened to be taking that journey,” he said.

The defendants all deny charges of conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to cause an explosion on an aircraft. The trial continues.

The Muslim World Is Planning To Sue Those That Defame Islam

It seems that pictures like this of Muhammad making bacon have the Muslim world enraged and ready to take legal action against those that slight their religion or its “sacred symbols”.

If they want to protect and defend the true image of Islam, they need to crack down on the radical militants within their own ranks, not create a legal instrument to crack down on defamation of Islam.

If they are truly the “religion of peace,” then prove it by being humble. Most Christians do not try to stifle others that degrade their religion. They simply acknowledge that those doing the degrading are not knowledgeable.

Muslims nations: Defame Islam, get sued?

The Muslim world has created a battle plan to defend its religion from political cartoonists and bigots.

Concerned about what they see as a rise in the defamation of Islam, leaders of the world’s Muslim nations are considering taking legal action against those that slight their religion or its sacred symbols. It was a key issue during a two-day summit that ended Friday in this western Africa capital.

The Muslim leaders are attempting to demand redress from nations like Denmark, which allowed the publication of cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad in 2006 and again last month, to the fury of the Muslim world.

Though the legal measures being considered have not been spelled out, the idea pits many Muslims against principles of freedom of speech enshrined in the constitutions of numerous Western governments.

“I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy,” said Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade, the chairman of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference. “There can be no freedom without limits.”

Barack Obama: Can A Muslim Apostate Be President Of The United States Of America?

This is an editorial by Frank Salvato in the The New Media Journal.us. He raises a good question:

Can an American President Be a Muslim Apostate?

As the primary season finally gets started the issue of Barack Obama’s religion takes the stage once again. While there are some aspects of his religious affiliations that cause legitimate concern, the contention that he is a danger because he practiced Islam as a child, under the guidance of his father and then his step-father, is being overblown for what it is not and ignored for what it is.

The notion that Barack Obama is a closeted Islamist is akin to a black helicopter theory. He has established that he is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. While there are many questions surrounding the bigotry of this congregation’s controversial pastor and the afro-centricity of the church’s tenets, the fact remains the church is not a mosque and the pastor is not an Imam or cleric.

But, as Islamic scholar Daniel Pipes points out in his recent article, Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam, Barack Obama did in fact practice Islam as a child. True, most of us, as children, are guided by our parents in the ways of religion, taking up the faiths of our mothers and fathers, but a choice later in life to deviate from their religious beliefs does not nullify the fact that we once attended the churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. sanctioned by our parents. To this extent, Barack Obama did practice Islam and was subjected to the fundamental tenets of the ideology.

This fundamental truth is important for at least a few different reasons. Fundamentalist Islamists, radical Islamists, Wahhabists, believe, among other things, that :

  • When one is born of Muslim parents they are Muslim
  • Everyone who does not embrace Islam is a non-believer and thus, is an enemy to Allah, his Prophet and believers
  • Should one leave the faith of Islam they are considered an apostate, a denier of the Koran, and should be killed

When you acknowledge the fact that Barack Obama was brought to mosque to practice Islam as a child and that he was born of a father that was Muslim, in the eyes of Wahhabists and Islamist fundamentalists he is considered an apostate. Under fundamentalist Islamic dogma – Wahhabi dogma – he is considered an enemy of Allah, his Prophet and believers. In the world of radical Islamists, Barack Obama is the worst kind of infidel – a traitor – and should be killed.

This is pretty bad news for Barack Obama. Not only does he have Hillary Clinton “gunning” for him – which can be dangerous in and of itself – he has the entire radical Islamist world looking to kill him – by fatwa, by religious edict, not because of his politics, but because he is a Muslim apostate.

This brings up a very serious question with regard to a major limitation should Barack Obama make it to the White House. In this age of conflict between Western Civilization and radical Islam, when the United States must have the most potent of leaders on the world stage, can a Muslim apostate achieve credibility within the Islamic world?

Over the next several decades it is going to be paramount that the United States – and the West – have a working relationship with the Muslim world, both ideological and governmental. The President of the United States must be appreciated for his status and be accepted as credible when proposing or agreeing to treaties and accords. Should Barack Obama become President of the United States, his credibility in the Islamic world would be subject to the severity of each individual leader’s fundamentalist conviction.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s leading exporter of fundamentalist Sunni Islam – Wahhabism – would most assuredly view Obama as an apostate and, therefore, an infidel of the worst order. Because Saudi Arabia is considered – for reasons unknown to this writer – an ally in the global war against radical Islam, Obama’s apostasy presents a problem as to whether agreements between the two nations can be considered ingenuous. When you entertain the Wahhabist ideological tenet of taqiyya, the possibility of insincere agreements entered into by the Saudis, meant to empower a strategic advantage over the United States and the West, becomes more of a problem.

The issue of Obama’s apostasy is also valid for the governments of Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and especially Iran, and the plethora of countries in Indonesia and Africa who either see their government’s mired in conflict with radical Islam or adhering to the tenets of Islamic dogma.

Barack Obama’s political credentials for the office of President of the United States may very well be debatable. But the fact of the matter – as dictated by fundamentalist Islamic ideology, by fatwa and by the Koran – is that Barack Obama’s credibility and status within the Muslim world is already diminished. And the United States cannot afford a leader of limited potency as we battle the war against radical Islamist aggression.

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