Are we allowed now to use the president’s full name, Barack Hussein Obama? The rules keep changing. One day it’s a hate crime, another day a source of pride for the president. Is someone keeping track, is there a web site I can check periodically to see if it’s a Hussein Okay Day?
Capping off his wildly successful Blame America First tour in Europe, Barack H. Obama made a stop in Turkey to continue his Islamic Outreach Program, at which time he trotted out his Muslim heritage. Barack H. Obama’s biological father and stepfather were both Muslims.
Obama took the occasion to express his “deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world, including my own country.”
Writing for Front Page Magazine, Robert Spencer provides a brief review of major turning points in American history: the drafting of the Constitution, the struggle against slavery, two world wars, the Cold War, the Great Depression and the struggle for civil rights. Spencer astutely points out that “one would be hard-pressed to find any significant way in which the Islamic faith has shaped the United States in terms of its governing principles and the nature of American society.”
In reality, Sharia law is entirely incompatible with a free and modern society. It mandates brutal punishments for the most minor infractions and subjugates women to the status of mere chattel. Islam did, however make an impression on the United States on September 11, 2001.
This was bizarre, even for Obama; particularly as Defense Secretary Gates was calling for drastic reductions in military spending. During his overseas junket, Obama called for the complete abandonment of nuclear weapons, volunteering to start with unilateral disarmament by the United States. This was neatly juxtaposed with images of North Korea’s defiant missile launch.
When Obama’s mother married his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, she uprooted her little boy of six and took him to Indonesia, an underdeveloped Muslim country. Hostilities with the Dutch had recently ended and there was little in the way of infrastructure. For a time, Barry Soetoro studied in a Muslim school. Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother was an atheist.
Tag: Islam
Dutch Politician Geert Wilders to be Prosecuted for Criticizing Islam
The Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who made the controversial film “Fitna” that warns Islam threatens Western civilization, faces trial in the Netherlands for “inciting hatred and discrimination.”
Those who can’t handle the truth, try to silence those who speak it.
Sign the In Defense of Geert Wilders Petition
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