Barack Obama, Genius

Pretty decent video contrasting what the media says about Sarah Palin, compared to Obama’s actual gaffes.

No 57 states here, oddly.

A couple of these are pretty ticky-tack, but that’s okay, I guess. What’s less okay is the insistence by this video that Obama says “All Timers” when, having heard it three times myself, he clearly correctly says “Alzheimer’s.” Coming right at the beginning of this documentation of the Human Highlight Reel, that’s going to cause a lot of people to stop watching.

But they shouldn’t. Apart from that one and some ticky-tack cases of being tongue-tied, this video does demonstrate that Even A God Can Say Dumb Shit.


Petition to Apply Affirmative Action to Basketball Team

Young skulls full of mush!

Video Description:

Many students support affirmative action, in an effort to promote diversity. They argue that race-based preferences “level the playing field” for disadvantaged minorities. However, these same students refused to sign our petition to apply such policies to the basketball team. At UC Riverside — where the video was filmed — 10/11 active players on the team are African American. Why not use affirmative action to promote diversity there?

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