LIVE: James Comey Testifies About Fake Russian Interference In U.S. Election

Fired FBI Director James Comey testifies Thursday in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

James Comey Testifies About Fake Russian Interference

These are the questions he should be asked:

Where are James Comey’s notes/tapes on the Hillary Clinton interview? Why did he give her FREE PASS? Why did Loretta Lynch meet Bill Clinton on tarmac? Why was Hillary Clinton’s staff given immunity? Why was data destroyed AFTER ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENA – by Bleach bit AND hammers? What crimes were committed via Wieners laptop?

His testimony is scheduled for 10 AM Eastern Time and will be carried via Live Stream below


NEW Huma Emails Reveal Clinton MAFIA TACTICS To Bring NYT Reporter David Brooks To Heel

NEW Huma Emails Reveal Clinton MAFIA TACTICS To Discipline NYT Reporter David Brooks

There is no difference between Democrats, the Obama Administration, the DNC and the vast majority of the Mainstream Media. They all work hand in glove in order to serve themselves.

The swamp must be drained, and this includes the corrupt Mainstream Media.

From iBankCoin:

Recently released Huma Abedin State Department emails – acquired by Judicial Watch via FOIA request, reveal Clinton State Department staff planning to summon New York Times reporter David Brooks for an “OTR” (off the record) conversation over a “shot” he took at Hillary in a Feburary 2010 article. This isn’t the first time we’ve learned of the Democrat apparatus wrapping their tentacles around the MSM, and it’s the second time in weeks Judicial Watch has delivered a bombshell. They’re doing good work.

In summary; Hillary Clinton – code named “Evergreen,” fired off an email on February 9th, 2010 to advisors Philippe Reines and Jake Sullivan regarding an article written by NYT’s David Brooks (links added):

From: Evergreen

To: PIR (Philippe Reines), Jake Sullivan

Subject: David Brooks

“Took a shot at me in his column today. Any ideas what prompted it?”

To which senior advisor Philippe Reines responds:

“Not sure – but this is a good excuse to bring him in for an OTR [off the record] with you. Lona mentioned you wanted to see [NYT Journalist] Tom Friedman – with your ok, we could schedule both (separately) over the next month or so.

I’d very much like to get back in the habit of bringing someone or a small group in every few weeks”

Followed by Jake Sullivan’s response:

Phillippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular — though not intrusive — basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks “figure out” how things work.

So a top Clinton advisor wanted to get ‘back in the habit’ of bringing people or groups in every few weeks? This clearly suggests the Clinton State Dept. was at some point regularly meeting with members of the MSM to discuss content. And how exactly did Hillary, assuming the ‘OTR’ meeting with David Brooks took place, help him to ‘figure out’ how things work?

NEW FOIA Huma Emails Reveal Clinton MAFIA TACTICS To Bring NYT Reporter David Brooks To Heel



Huma Abedin’s Emails Confirm HlLLARY Was Complicit In The MURDER OF CHRISTOPHER STEVENS

Wikileaks – Clinton Was Complicit in the Murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens

Huma Abedin’s Emails Confirm HlLLARY Was Complicit In The MURDER OF CHRISTOPHER STEVENS

The email links below confirm Hillary knew!

I want to preface this article by stating that this work has been updated 3 times in 10 hours. Information is coming out Wikileaks and other sources faster than any of us can keep up with.

Wikileaks is about to confirm the story that The Common Sense Show told 4 years ago in that Ambassador Christoper Stevens was set up to die because his stories of gun-running, child trafficking and drug-running on behalf of the CIA in order to promote regime change in Libya using terrorists funded by these illegal activities, were leaking out and it was only a few months until the election. Subsequently, Ambassador Stevens had to be silenced. And Petraeus had to be put in a place where he was not forced to testify before Congress because he could not take the 5th before Congress

At the same time, Clinton was broadcasting Stevens whereabouts and she refused to provide the extra protection Stevens was so desperately requesting. Being that Stevens was working for the CIA, then head of the CIA, David Petraeus, would have known about Chris Stevens activities. To protect Obama’s 2012 election, both Stevens and Petraeus had to be gone.

People are asking me how I knew all of this four years ago and I say, “I had a deep cover source from inside one of the military/intelligence services who wanted the real truth to be told. Somebody who knew this nation could not afford to let Clinton ever become President”. Now, I am getting confirmation from Wikileaks and others who have reached the same conclusion I did four years ago.

Dear Mr. Hodges,

This is to inform you that Wikileaks will soon, or has released Clinton emails which will demonstrate the following:

Please note that I have covered the ISIS/Lafarge/Clinton connections very prominently in the past year. This is just more confirmation of what I have already covered.

The above is already appearing on the Internet in several places. It is clear that Putin would be a fool to allow Clinton and her gang of thugs to continue with their plan. Every time Clinton sags in the polls, she starts talking about 9/11. The evidence is beginning to line up that Clinton interests had motive to commit 9/11.  No wonder Clinton tries to blame the Russians for everything, she is the main culprit on the world being brought to the precipice of World War III.

It is a gratifying feeling when the dots start to connect.
The Aaron Klein Revelations

Aaron Klein, the Breitbart Bureau Chief for Jerusalem revealed, in a Breitbart publication dated March 1, 2016, revealed that “the email from April 10th, 2011, the State Department employee, Timmy Davis, forwarded an email to the server by Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin.” Please note that the time of this revelation, Huma Abedin, was not yet a household name.

The series of emails will eventually have catastrophic consequences for Ambassador Stevens.

“An email containing the whereabouts and plans of murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens passed through Hillary Clinton’s private server, dispatches released Monday in the final group of messages from Clinton’s emails reveal.”

Below are some examples of the allegations posed by Klein and these are not empty charges as Klein offered as proof, the following emails.

“A March 27, 2011 email released last year was titled, “Chris Stevens mission.” It divulged: “The current game plan is for Mr. Stevens to move no later than Wednesday from Malta to Benghazi. He will stage offshore initially for a one day visit during which he will have meetings with TNC interlocutors and get a sense of the situation on the ground. The goal of this one day trip is for him to lay the groundwork for a stay of up to 30 days.

An April 8, 2011 email was forwarded to Clinton revealing the “security situation in Benghazi remains quiet. Chris Stevens & team are in the hotel, moving only for meetings as required.”

An April 22, 2011 email revealed Stevens was on the road: “I want to let you know about a temporary rotation in Benghazi. TNC Envoy Chris Stevens has been on the road since March 13, when he began his outreach mission, and has been in Benghazi since April 5.”

An April 24, 2011 email has the exact time of a Stevens meeting: “”Stevens will be meeting with MFA in one hour and will make a written request for better security at the hotel and for better security-related coordination. He still feels comfortable in the hotel. They are looking into the idea of moving into a villa, but that is some way off.”

If  later emails are released, I have no doubt, that we will see that Clinton was transmitting Stevens location up until the time of the attack upon the Benghazi compound and this explains why some of these emails are not being released. However, at some point, they will see the light of day.

The release of travel information, in any form, is a felony! Remember, the Stevens travel plans are classified and they came from Clinton’s private server. A casual Law and Order fan could make the causal connections between the release of these emails and Stevens death. This is absolute evidence that Clinton is not only guilty of multiple felonies, she is an accomplice to murder!

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