Quote Of The Day: 6-22-2008

“I have a fast fix for energy, a fast fix for the energy prices. There is no instant cure, as we know, for rising energy prices, but as your host, I, El Rushbo, have a plan to get on the right track sooner rather than later. As close to a quick fix as humanly possible. It all starts with our gas stations. We do have gas stations out there. And these gas stations pump regular gas, and they pump premium gas. Some of them pump diesel. On every pump, every pump that distributes regular gas, we post a picture of Harry Reid with the price appearing in his mouth. On every premium pump, we post a picture of Nancy Pelosi with the price upticking in her wonderful smile; that you could drive up to any station and ask for a tankful of Reid or you could ask for a tankful of Pelosi. We would explore, we would drill, we would refine faster than a liberal can attack a Republican. / You gas station guys, you want to turn the profit in your business? Go out and get some pictures of Reid and Pelosi, stick ’em on your pumps, put the price in there. And then when the self-serve people come up just make ’em say they want to fill up with Reid, fill up with Pelosi…” ~ Rush Limbaugh

Mad About High Gas Prices? An Easy Solution

There are only 545 people who essentially run the entire country. Americans are 300,000,000 strong.

It only takes a small percentage of that 300,000,000 to change policy.

Why is it we Americans are so weak that we stand around and do nothing when a major problem is staring us in the face? That’s not the American can-do spirit for which we are known.

All it takes is an idea that will sweep the country like a fast-moving infectious virus and gas prices will come down almost instantly.

Why are those 545 people purposely doing everything in their power to cut America off at her knees, while no such restrictions are being observed by any other country? The U. S. Congress has made almost all areas for drilling for oil, natural gas and mining coal on our sovereign lands, off limits. We cannot convert coal to oil. We cannot build any new hydro-electric, gas, coal or nuclear fired power plants and we can’t build any new refineries. What possible reasons could justify such derelict actions by our elected officials? The reason is they are pandering to the national and international radical environmentalists and socialists who have conquered America and taken her over without a shot being fired, for what has become a religious cult, coupled with mass hysteria over the environment!

Oil is literally the life blood of our economy. Cut it off or restrict it and our economy dies, or erupts into an upward inflation spiral as it is doing now. The question is, are we Americans going to force this congress to reverse course on crude oil extraction, in the interest of the American people and America’s economy? Or are we just going to complain and do nothing? And why on earth would we consciously make oil sheiks and dictators rich beyond their wildest dreams with our money, when we can do something about it? Why indeed!

Do you want to see gas prices come down? All it takes is a significant percentage of the American people to demand that those 545 people who control America, instantly open up areas of all known oil reserves in the United States to oil exploration by the oil companies. That’s it! The U. S. Congress could make it happen in a week, if they had the will and the anger of the American people urging them. The American people’s anger is there in spades, but the will of the U. S. Congress has to be forced upon them by those angry Americans. And don’t buy into this garbage about man-caused global warming (MCGW), CO2 emission limits and the cap and trade fraud. MCGW was invented by government and radical environmentalists to control and tax you. Its authors are international, one-world-order elitists and they will have their way if we don’t stop them. And don’t buy into the greed of the oil companies. That’s the pure propaganda of government to direct you away from who really is responsible; them. In fact, most of the oil profits are going to the dictators of government-run oil producing nations, like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

So how do we convince the U. S. Congress to act? Let the American people know who is causing the high gas prices and get the American people to “esplain” it to the perpetrators, in no uncertain terms.

Here is a one solution, if done on a large enough scale, has an absolute guarantee of success. We propose a simple little image that can be printed up on sheets of 10-up, 2” x 4” mailing labels that are manufactured by Avery. The blank labels can be purchased at any office supply store for pennies. This simple image would be posted on gas station pumps every time an angry American fills up his or her gas tank. It could sweep the country in a matter of 30 to 60 days and we could see relief at the pumps shortly thereafter, if the Congress acts appropriately under the political pressure. If Congress doesn’t act, we can get even angrier and Hell hath no fury than a whole bunch of angry Americans. The following is the image we propose. We call it the “High Gas Price Gas Pump Sticker”.


NARLO website at www.narlo.org/hgp.html.

To insure maximum distribution of this image and the WORD document, send it on to your e-mail list, encouraging the recipients to do the same. Also, print up these Avery sheets, cut them up in individual images and pass them out to others you know.

WE THE PEOPLE have more power than those 545 disconnected people in Washington DC. All we need do is exercise that power for what we know is right. Don’t let the 545 people in Washington DC, reduce America to the level of a third-world country. In the honor of those brave souls that came before you that defended our freedom, let’s show the rest of the world that we still have some American “hot” red blood running through our veins. When we pull this off, you can watch the speculators of oil run for cover. Just think. Some of those speculators, that have been bringing you pain at the pumps, could go broke, the dictators will lose some of their power and our money could stay in the U. S. where it belongs.

But for God’s sake, do something to save yourself from the tyranny of an out-of-control government, before it is too late! We are Americans. We can do anything when we put our minds and our backs to it.

This High Gas Price Gas Pump Sticker, with instructions, is also available on the NARLO website at http://www.narlo.org/hgp.html.

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Harry Reid: Wimp Extraordinaire

Is it me or is Harry Reid the ultimate wimp? Every time I hear his wimpy whiny complaining it drives me nuts. His munchkin like voice is evidence of his lack of testosterone. He may be the poster boy for male pussification. But he is not the only sissy sounding liberal. Lets’ not forget Chuckie Schumer. If you ask me, he has way too much estrogen. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Harry Reid Need Not Apply

Harry Reid Need Not Apply

This is entertainment for real men. Guys like Harry Reid, John Edwards, Osama Obama and Ted Kennedy could never appreciate this video. I’m sorry if I didn’t mention all the other Liberal wimps. The list is too long.

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