World’s Largest Revolver

If you’re going to be a bear, be a grizzly.

World’s Largest Revolver

The world’s largest revolver was fired successfully in Poland this week.

According to Russia Today, the revolver took “around 2,500 hours to construct, since most of the parts had to be built by hand,” and shoots five ounce bullets.

The proud inventor, Ryszard Tobys of western Poland, received recognition from Guinness World Records for his creation.


A man in Poland has built the world’s largest working revolver, according to Guinness World Record. The weapon, a Remington model 1859, was built by Ryszard Tobys, of Piotrowo Drugie, west-central Poland. It took Mr Tobys around 2,500 hours to construct, since most of the parts had to be built by hand. The revolver, whose chamber holds six 136 gram bullets (4.8 ounces), shoots with great accuracy at a range of up to 50 meters.


Assault Rifle vs. Sporting Rifle

The difference between an assault rifle and a sporting rifle.

The media and the anti-gunners are trying to tell Americans that “assault weapons” need to be banned for public safety. The problem is, assault rifles were banned in 1986. What they want to ban now are semi-automatic sporting firearms. The firearms they want to ban account for less than 1% of the firearms used in crime. We need to stop this mindless attack on our Constitutional rights.

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