Blade Runner Blaster Pro Replica
This may be the best Blade Runner Blaster prop replica ever made. It’s a replica of the blaster, from the movie Blade Runner, that was used to hunt down rogue Replicants.
This may be the best Blade Runner Blaster prop replica ever made. It’s a replica of the blaster, from the movie Blade Runner, that was used to hunt down rogue Replicants.
Explosive success when the guys attempt to blow up a Toyota with the trusty RPG and a few gas bottles thrown in for good luck.
Haven’t seen much action on Steve Lee’s YouTube channel for a while but he’s back with an RPG — a B40 to be specific — a pile of grenades, a Toyota and some propane tanks thrown in for fun.
You don’t have to be the betting type to give odds for what’s gonna come out of this face-off, a bullet-riddled sedan or a bunch of dudes armed with a recoilless rifle.
Also, and I say this with love, this is further evidence that you can go anywhere on this planet and find rednecks of one stripe or another.