Previously:Anti-Gun School Shooter Witness Rehearses Spoon-fed Lines
Back in 2013 Obama supposedly shelled out $45 million to put armed guards in schools. Where did this money actually go? Did they shift it to some other DOJ BS or foreign government?Remember when Barack Obama followed the advice of the NRA and conceded that “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun? From The Washington Times:Obama shifts $45 million for armed cops in schools — a la NRA: It’s almost like a page right out of the National Rifle Association playbook: The Obama administration has announced millions of dollars in funding to put armed officers in the nation’s schools. Specifically, the Department of Justice said $45 million is going to “create 356 new school resource officer positions,” CNN reported. The money is coming from Community Oriented Policing Services grant dollars — and first up on the list of intended recipients is Newtown, Conn., the site of the massive Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The money to Newtown will fund two new officers in the town’s schools, Breitbart reported. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said of the grants: “In the wake of past tragedies, it’s clear that we need to be willing to take all possible steps to ensure that our kids are safe when they go to school.” But the NRA was way ahead on that belief. Just days after the Sandy Hook shooting occurred, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president and chief executive officer, suggested more armed guards inside the schools. He said that “we protect our banks … airports, office buildings, power plants [and] sports stadiums [with] armed security.” Why not kids in schools? As Breitbart reported in December — in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre and the Obama administration’s pledge to crack down on guns and Second Amendment rights — the president’s own children attend a school that staffs armed security guards. At Sidwell Friends School in Washington, 11 armed guards patrol the campus grounds. At the time of the report, the school was in process of hiring two more.
This is the same kid who repeated the lie that “there were 17 mass shootings so far this year” and Chris Wallace let him get away with it. Sickening. This is what the Deep State has resorted to, using highschool kids as pawns? I guess college students weren’t effective enough. Yes, his father is retired FBI.
Something fishy is going on.
Cut to about 0:28
Same kid on CNN. Was this scripted? Pay attention to the body language. Are these two lying or acting?
An unsealed search warrant application shows the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, may have been an ARMS DEALER!People have been asking since day 1 how on earth Stephen Paddock made his money. The “Professional Gambling” explanation obviously makes no sense. Guess we know the real answer now? Page 7, in the Search Warrant, seems like the smoking gun. Why hasn’t the FBI or Las Vegas Police Department mentioned this? It describes an email exchange that could be read as Paddock selling arms to someone. It could also be read as him telling a buddy that there’s a lot of firing ranges in Las Vegas with automatic weapons and/or bump stocks to try. The FBI seems to think the exchange was related to the attack, but they don’t say why. Here’s the text of that paragraph:“Additionally, on July 6, 2017, Target Account 1 (Paddock’s email) sent an email to [email protected] which read, “try an ar before u buy. we have huge selection. located in the las vegas area.” Later that day, an email was received back from [email protected] to Target Account 1 that read, “we have a wide variety of optics and ammunition to try.” And lastly, Target Account 1 later sent an email to [email protected] that read, “for a thrill try out bumpfire ar’s with a 100 round magazine“ “Target Account 1” is an email address associated with Paddock. Another thing that sticks out is the use of the word “we” in the emails talking about having a huge selection. If he was an arms dealer, then the use of the word “we” could possibly indicate that he didn’t act alone during the shooting. This is insane, what or who is centralpark4804? Black market guns? The CIA or FBI? It’s really baffling. Everyone has stopped talking about this. It’s like it never happened. Previously:Interesting Info Regarding A Plane Once Registered To Stephen Paddock |