What Kind Of Nation?

What kind of nation would fire thousands of its Military Service members for refusing an untested vaccine while allowing millions of unvetted, unvaccinated ILLEGAL Aliens free access to their entire country?

What kind of nation would fire thousands of its Military Service members for refusing an untested vaccine while allowing millions of unvetted, unvaccinated ILLEGAL Aliens free access to their entire country?


Totalitarianism is fully achieved when people are conditioned to accept their servitude to the extent they never contemplate revolution.

Totalitarianism is fully achieved when people are conditioned to accept their servitude to the extent they never contemplate revolution.


A warrior knows he could die in battle. He just doesn't expect the arrows to be from his own government.

A warrior knows he could die in battle.

He just doesn’t expect the arrows to be from his own government.

What You Allow

What you allow, is what will continue.

What you allow, is what will continue.

The Narrative

When you oppose the narrative, you become the target.

When you oppose the narrative, you become the target.

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