They Don’t Work for Us

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

A Message to the People of Europe

They don’t serve you. They don’t represent you. They rule you. European leaders jet around in luxury, sign deals behind closed doors, and lecture the public on 'sacrifices'—for the planet, for security, for the greater good. Funny how the sacrifices are never theirs.

They don’t serve you. They don’t represent you. They rule you. European leaders jet around in luxury, sign deals behind closed doors, and lecture the public on ‘sacrifices’—for the planet, for security, for the greater good. Funny how the sacrifices are never theirs.

If You Want to Take Over the World

If you want to take over the world, take away strong men. They will be the first to resist your tyranny. Then replace them with weak, obedient, low testosterone servants.

If you want to take over the world, take away strong men. They will be the first to resist your tyranny.

Then replace them with weak, obedient, low testosterone servants.

Alive and Well

Still waiting for someone, literally, ANYONE, to explain to me how Billions of UnVaxxed people with NO Boosters are still alive. Alive and Well. Just out there living their Best Life.

Still waiting for someone, literally, ANYONE, to explain to me how Billions of UnVaxxed people with NO Boosters are still alive.

Alive and Well. Just out there living their Best Life.

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