We Are All Going To Die Someday

We are all going to die someday. But not from climate change. That 💩 is a hoax.

We are all going to die someday. But not from climate change. That 💩 is a hoax.

Changing the Earth’s Temperature

Governments can't even solve homelessness, but they can change the Earth's temperature if you pay more taxes.

Governments can’t even solve homelessness, but they can change the Earth’s temperature if you pay more taxes. 🤔

The Left’s Staircase

1960s — “Oil will be gone in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.” 1970s — “There will be an Ice Age in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.” 1980s — “Acid rain will destroy all the crops in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.” 1990s – “The Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.” 2000s – “The glaciers will all melt in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.” 2010s – “The coast will be underwater in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.” 2020s – “Climate Change will kill us all in 10 years. We need trillions to fix it.”Next up: 2030s – “Aliens are here. We need zillions of dollars and a One World Government to protect you.”

1960s — “Oil will be gone in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.”
1970s — “There will be an Ice Age in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.”
1980s — “Acid rain will destroy all the crops in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
1990s – “The Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2000s – “The glaciers will all melt in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2010s – “The coast will be underwater in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2020s – “Climate Change will kill us all in 10 years. We need trillions to fix it.”

Next up: 2030s – “Aliens are here. We need zillions of dollars and a One World Government to protect you.”

The Great Reset: Unraveling the Climate Change Deception

As the world grapples with the ongoing issue of climate change, a more sinister agenda seems to be lurking beneath the surface. What if the widely accepted narrative of a warming planet and the need for drastic global action to combat climate change is merely a facade for a greater plan? A plan that seeks to usher in a new world order, a globalist government, and a “Great Reset” that would fundamentally alter the fabric of society as we know it.

As the world grapples with the ongoing issue of climate change, a more sinister agenda seems to be lurking beneath the surface. What if the widely accepted narrative of a warming planet and the need for drastic global action to combat climate change is merely a facade for a greater plan? A plan that seeks to usher in a new world order, a globalist government, and a “Great Reset” that would fundamentally alter the fabric of society as we know it. In this article, we offer the controversial suggestion that climate change is fake and explore how it is being manipulated to fulfill a hidden agenda that goes far beyond environmental concerns.

The Climate Change Controversy: Unveiling the Truth Behind Skepticism

Amidst the widespread alarm over climate change, a growing number of skeptics have emerged to challenge the mainstream narrative. These skeptics posit compelling arguments that cast doubt on the legitimacy of climate change as an imminent and catastrophic threat. As we look deeper into their claims, we expose a reality where data manipulation, biased research, and vested interests have obscured the genuine climate picture.

Data Manipulation and Exaggeration

One of the primary concerns voiced by climate change skeptics is the manipulation and exaggeration of scientific data. Allegations abound regarding cherry-picking data sets to emphasize warming trends while downplaying natural climatic cycles that could explain temperature fluctuations. Additionally, critics point to discrepancies between climate models and real-world observations, suggesting that predictions of impending climate catastrophes may be exaggerated for dramatic effect.

Institutional Bias and Funding

The influence of funding sources on climate research has also come under scrutiny. Government agencies and institutions are often driven by political agendas and financial interests that align with the climate change narrative. Funding tends to be directed towards research that supports the prevailing view, stifling dissenting voices and perpetuating a one-sided perspective.

Natural Climate Variability

Contrary to the climate change narrative, historical records and geological evidence reveal that the planet has experienced numerous cycles of warming and cooling over millennia, long before human industrialization became a major factor. Current warming trends could be a part of natural fluctuations rather than solely caused by human activity.

Lack of Consensus Among Scientists

While mainstream media often portrays climate change as a universally accepted scientific consensus, there are dissenting views within the scientific community. Prominent scientists, researchers, and climatologists challenge the prevailing narrative, highlighting the complexity of climate dynamics and the need for continued study and open debate.

Alternative Explanations for Extreme Events

Linking extreme weather events directly to human-induced global warming is misleading. Natural factors, such as solar activity, ocean currents, and volcanic eruptions, play a more substantial role in driving extreme weather events. Relying solely on human activity as the culprit may oversimplify the intricate and multifaceted nature of climate dynamics.

The Globalist Agenda

Amidst the heated climate change debate, there are whispers of a grander agenda at play – the “Great Reset.” Advocates of this movement envision a world in which a centralized global government takes control of economic, social, and political structures. This “reset” would effectively redistribute wealth, eliminate individual freedoms, and concentrate power in the hands of an elite few. Climate change serves as a convenient pretext to implement policies that would support this transformative vision.

The Role of Media and Corporate Interests

The media’s role in shaping public perception cannot be underestimated. Mainstream media outlets perpetuate the climate change narrative, promoting fear and urgency while suppressing dissenting viewpoints. Behind the scenes, influential corporate interests may be manipulating the discourse to their advantage, capitalizing on the crisis to further their own agendas. The symbiotic relationship between the globalist elites and the media conglomerates helps in ensuring that the public remains unaware of the deeper implications of climate change activism.

The Green Economy: A Trojan Horse for Control

One of the main tenets of the climate change movement is the push for a green economy. Renewable energy sources, carbon credits, and sustainability initiatives have become the new buzzwords in the business world. However, skeptics argue that this so-called green revolution is nothing more than a carefully crafted facade. Under the guise of environmental responsibility, the “Great Reset” seeks to consolidate power and control over industries, while ordinary citizens bear the brunt of ever-increasing regulations and taxes.

The Threat to Individual Liberties

As the “Great Reset” gains traction, individual liberties and personal freedoms are increasingly at risk. Governments around the world are using climate change as a pretext to justify intrusive surveillance measures and restrictive policies. The erosion of privacy rights and civil liberties becomes a necessary trade-off for the elusive promise of a sustainable future.

Final Thoughts

As we delve deeper into the shadows of the climate change debate, a darker reality emerges. The purported crisis of climate change seems to be a smokescreen for a much larger and sinister plan: The Great Reset. Spearheaded by influential figures like Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, this movement seeks to reshape the world in their image, erasing the principles of freedom, democracy, and sovereignty that have defined humanity for centuries.

Klaus Schwab’s ties to The Great Reset cannot be ignored. A powerful proponent of global governance, he envisions a future where nations relinquish their autonomy in favor of a centralized authority. Under the guise of saving the planet, Schwab and his globalist cohorts aim to steer humanity towards a dystopian reality where individual freedoms are replaced by compliance, and personal choices are dictated by a faceless bureaucracy.

The green economy, portrayed as a noble endeavor to protect the environment, is, in reality, a Trojan horse for control. The implementation of renewable energy sources and sustainability initiatives will only serve to further entrench the globalist elite’s grip on industries and resources, while ordinary citizens endure the brunt of oppressive regulations and economic hardship.

The media plays a vital role in perpetuating the climate change deception. Mainstream outlets, often influenced by corporate interests aligned with the globalist agenda, suppress dissenting voices and manipulate public opinion, making it challenging to uncover the truth. The unwavering narrative of climate emergency serves the purpose of conditioning the masses to embrace radical changes, without questioning the hidden motives behind such a transformation.

As governments exploit climate change as a justification for increased surveillance and control, our individual liberties hang in the balance. The “Great Reset” requires a compliant populace, stripped of their rights and freedoms, and molded into cogs in the globalist machine.

The true cost of The Great Reset is immeasurable. It threatens to destroy the very fabric of society, replacing it with a dystopian Marxist nightmare where power is concentrated in the hands of an elite few. It is crucial to remain vigilant, to question the narratives pushed upon us, and to resist the erosion of our rights and freedoms.

In the face of this darkness, we must stand united, rejecting the false promises of a new world order and defending the values that have long held us together. The future of humanity hangs in the balance, and only through awareness, critical thinking, and collective action can we safeguard our liberty and resist the shadows of The Great Reset.

They Are Not Your Rulers

Remember, the people telling you no gas cars, no gas or wood burning stoves, and no meat, are supposed to be your representatives, not your rulers.

Remember, the people telling you no gas cars, no gas or wood burning stoves, and no meat, are supposed to be your representatives, not your rulers.

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