What We Saw at the Glenn Beck Rally in DC

On August 28, 2010, Fox News host Glenn Beck held his “Restoring Honor” rally at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The aim of the event, explained the lachrymose TV personality, was to “come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.”

As the Washington Post reports,

“For too long, this country has wandered in darkness, and we have wandered in darkness in periods from the beginning,” Beck said, at times pacing at the memorial. “We have had moments of brilliance and moments of darkness. But this country has spent far too long worried about scars and thinking about the scars and concentrating on the scars.

“Today,” he continued, “we are going to concentrate on the good things in America, the things that we have accomplished – and the things that we can do tomorrow. The story of America is the story of humankind.”

Despite the presence of former Gov. Sarah Palin and many Tea Party trappings, the event was not political, or at least not in any conventional sense. Rather, the speakers called for bringing religion into the public square and using it as the guiding force in all aspects of American life.

Reason.tv was on hand to take in the day and talk with some of the thousands of people who showed up (crowd estimates were unavailable at the time of this writing, though the crowd felt thinner than the one at last year’s Tea Party rally). Most of the people we talked to were openly skeptical of politicians of both major parties and agreed strongly with the religious bent of the rally, often arguing that some sort of religious orientation was necessary for what that saw as a return to national greatness.

“What We Saw at the Glenn Beck Rally in DC” was shot by Jim Epstein with help from Josh Swain. Edited by Epstein and Meredith Bragg. Hosted by Nick Gillespie.

Glenn Beck: You Mecca me Hot

Redeye host Greg Gutfeld has come up with a brilliant plan to help illustrate the ridiculousness of the Ground Zero mosque that’s in the works: a gay Muslim bar next to the new mosque. You know, to help build tolerance for the gay community amongst anti-gay Muslims. Glenn’s fave finalist for the name of Gutfelds gay bar: You Mecca me Hot.

Reporters vs. Conservative Black Leaders

This is great! A stage full of Conservative Black Tea Party Patriots stand up to Obama’s State Run Media .

Two reporters engage in a heated exchange with black conservative leaders at a press conference at the National Press Club on August 4, 2010 challenging the NAACP on its charges of racism within the tea party.

Chris Ross – “Freedom”

Inspirational Patriotism at its best!


This is a song I wrote this year in the hopes to remind people that no matter where you stand on the political Side of things that Life, Liberty , the pursuit of Happiness and Freedom of Speech have never been so important as they are today. ~ Chris Ross

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