The Nuremberg Code

The word experimental for the COVID vaccine ties it directly into the Nuremberg Code, which says that we cannot be experimented on without consent. We have the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment.

The Nuremberg Code is not a law, but it’s a code under which the whole world is supposed to be operating by. So, what everybody needs to know is that coercion and duress are considered de facto mandates and illegal.

It’s illegal medical segregation, medical apartheid because that is a form of coercion or duress. So, if you go to a restaurant, and they demand your vaccine passport, only let you eat outside, and they might not let you use the bathroom, that’s medical segregation.

That is illegal, and I do not support businesses that do that, and you shouldn’t either. Any access privileges that are different between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are illegal, and any visual indication of vaccine status like a sticker or a bracelet … that’s also illegal because that creates segregation and medical apartheid, since they are all forms of coercion or duress.


The word experimental for the COVID vaccine ties it directly into the Nuremberg Code, which says that we cannot be experimented on without consent. We have the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment.

The Nuremberg Code is not a law, but it’s a code under which the whole world is supposed to be operating by. So, what everybody needs to know is that coercion and duress are considered de facto mandates and illegal.

It’s illegal medical segregation, medical apartheid because that is a form of coercion or duress. So, if you go to a restaurant, and they demand your vaccine passport, only let you eat outside, and they might not let you use the bathroom, that’s medical segregation.

That is illegal, and I do not support businesses that do that, and you shouldn’t either. Any access privileges that are different between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are illegal, and any visual indication of vaccine status like a sticker or a bracelet … that’s also illegal because that creates segregation and medical apartheid, since they are all forms of coercion or duress.

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