Head of NOW, LA Chapter, Endorses Sarah Palin

It’s about time some feminists had enough balls to endorse a real women! I have a feeling that NOW is about to change to THEN.


Just got this email from FNC embed producer….as soon as it came in and I saw it, my eyes popped out!! I know this woman!! I read it to my husband…and he agrees! This endorsement is going to really going to cause a storm!! Hang on to your seat! Read!

From: Gomez, Serafin
Sent: Sat Oct 04 18:05:43 2008
Subject: Head of NOW. LA chapter Endorses Palin

Carson, CA-

The head of the LA chapter of National Organization for Women has just endorsed Gov Palin @ campaign rally. Not speaking NOW or her chapter she said but as an individual. ” This is what a feminist looks like,” she just before handing it over to SLP.
Serafin Gomez
Producer, FNC Political Unit
Washington Bureau

The Coulter Factor

Ann Coulter gives her two cents on the bailout to Neal Cavuto on Fox News. She is exactly right when she states that it was Liberal Democrat political correctness that created the disaster of the bad mortgages and now, it’s not even both sides being blamed and it ought to be only one side; the Democrats.

Smackdown: Dick Morris Versus Alan Colmes

This is great and definitely “Must See TV”! Dick Morris takes the Cryptkeeper to the woodshed.

Morris better be careful… the left might go after him for gay bashing.

Dick Morris Declares Palin The New Reagan And Slaps Colmes

Dick Morris defines the debate as a pivotal moment in the campaign, passes the legacy of conservatism from Reagan to Palin and bitch slaps the living crap out of Colmes for the idiot he is!

Rupert Murdoch on Obama: “I am very worried”

For all of the Liberal ‘s that are worried that the world hates us now; well according to Rupert Murdoch if Barack Obama is elected he is going to ruin our relationships with the rest of the world. Go figure!

Murdoch: Obama’s economic policies are ‘naive’

“I am very worried,” Murdoch said during an interview Friday with Fox Business Network. “I like Sen. Obama very much. I have met him. He is a very intelligent man. But his policy of anti-globalization, protectionism, is going to be — and card checks — are going to do two or three things. It’s going to give us a lot of inflation. They’re going to ruin our relationships with the rest of the world. And they are going to slow down the rest of the world, too. And they’re going to make people frightened to add to employment. You are going to find companies leaving this country if it’s — if you put a protectionist wall around it. You’re going to get — his policy is really very, very naive, old-fashioned, 1960’s socialist.”

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