Fox News Ad Draws Protests

It’s funny how the “State Run Media” responds immediately to Fox’s ad but virtually ignored or dismissed the stories about the Town Halls, 9/12 Washington DC protest and ACORN.

A provocative full-page newspaper ad from Fox News drew heated reactions from its rivals today and one demand that The Washington Post apologize for running it.

Over photos of protesters gathering for an “anti-tax” rally in Washington last Saturday, the ad asked: “How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?”

The problem with the ad is that the other networks indeed covered the protest, which — like similar demonstrations across the country — were heavily promoted by Fox, especially talk show host Glenn Beck.

The ad appeared Friday in the Wall Street Journal and New York Post, both owned by Fox’s parent company, and in The Washington Post.

ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider described the ad as “outrageous and false.” NBC spokeswoman Lauren Kapp said that “the facts . . . prove it wrong.” CNN spokeswoman Edie Emery called the ad “blatantly false.”

Fox News provided more coverage than other news outlets in the run-up to what Beck branded the “9/12” protests, but the other networks hardly ignored the story. ABC, for instance, covered it Saturday and Sunday on “Good Morning America” and Sunday on “World News,” along with extensive reports by ABC Radio and the network’s Web site. NBC covered it Saturday on “Nightly News” and the next morning on “Today.” CBS covered it on the “Evening News.” CNN covered the Saturday protests during the 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. hours, as well as on other programs afterward. Correspondents such as NBC’s Tom Costello, ABC’s Kate Snow and CBS’s Nancy Cordes were involved in the coverage.

Fox’s view is that the ad refers to the other networks’ missing the larger story, not failing to cover the demonstration itself — although the photos suggest that the headline refers to the protest.

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Charles Krauthammer: Obama is Selling Snake Oil

Charles Krauthammer suggests that Obama (D-Kenya) is selling snake oil when he says that he will not sign a bill that will add to the Deficit.

“Obama last night sounded smooth, polished, strong and convincing, and what he was selling was snake oil, that was a completely bogus claim. When he talked about what would be in his bill and how he would not end up with a dime of deficit, he said it will cost almost a trillion dollars and the majority of it, more than half, will come from what? from removing waist, fraud and abuse from Medicare. Now that’s an insult to the intelligence of the American people.

That phrase was a joke when it was used by Richard Nixon in 1971, and if there’s all this waist and abuse in the system waiting to be squeezed out, why hasn’t he started already, where is it, why does he have to have a bill? If you tell us that Medicare is destroying our budget and our economy he ought to be on this from day one and we’re 8 months in, why doesn’t he start today and give us a report in 6 months how the attack on waste and abuse is going?

That was a fraud. I mean, a lot of the stuff he sold, again, smoothly and extremely effectively, was amazing.

What he offered last night was the greatest free lunch.”

Glenn Beck Exposes Color of Change Co-Founder Van Jones

Glenn Beck is doing an outstanding job exposing this Administration.

The administration’s “Green Jobs” czar, Van Jones, has a “very checkered past” deep-rooted in radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and communism. The broadcast network newscasts have mostly failed to report on Mr. Jones’s past political affiliations which are lock-step with the network’s downplay of coverage regarding President Obama’s associations with the former radical and terrorist William Ayers during the election.

At 6:47 a.m. EDT on the July 10 edition of “Fox and Friends,” Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen, told interviewer Brian Kilmeade that Jones is “somebody who was involved in radical politics in San Francisco, “who was self-admittedly “radicalized in jail” and found “Communism and anarchism.” Kerpen compares Van Jones’s Communist past with his new quest for environmentalism and the creation of green jobs:

I think it’s pretty instructive what his past is…it’s the same sort of philosophy, the idea that government ought to be reordering society in accordance with some utopian vision that failed with communism and socialism, and will fail with this green jobs idea.

In an April 12, 2009 World Net Daily article titled “Will a “red” help blacks go green?”Aaron Klein reports that Jones himself stated in a 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.”

Because the administration’s “czars” do not go through congressional confirmation, and are therefore not scrutinized or vetted, many Americans have no idea who they are or where they come from.

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