FOX News Panel: Barack Obama’s “Stupid” War On FOX News and the US Chamber of Commerce

This is a terrific discussion of the Barack Hussein Obama White House’s “stupid” decision to declare war on FOX News and the US Chamber of Commerce.

As Obama’s “Enemies List” grows exponentially, his wholly false campaign rhetoric of supposedly uniting the country and leaving behind the politics of division is revealed as the joke most knew it to be then.

Krauthammer is especially good here with his discussion of Team Obama’s “gutter” politics and “search and destroy” methods that are only hastening to put the lie to Obama’s supposedly-unifying 2008 campaign message.

Karl Rove: Is Obama Deliberately Destabilizing Afghanistan?

Great stuff here from former George W. Bush’s top political aide Karl Rove.

Rahm Emanuel, in an increasingly-embarrassing and ineffective Team Obama strategy, attempted to pass the buck on the lackluster Obama Administration Afghanistan/Pakistan strategy to George W. Bush. Yawn!

Rove puts Rahm and the rest of the Obama-istas in their proper place. Among the highlights:

* Why are David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs in war strategy meetings?

* What’s up with James Carville helping Hamid Karzai’s political opponent?

* Is Barack Obama and his team destabilizing Afghanistan with their policies?

* Team Bush’s Afghanistan accomplishments.

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