Wounded Warriors & President Bush

I’d just bet ya never saw this on any news report….. except FOX, of course.

NOT A WORD from CBS. NOTHING from NBC. SAME “Nothing heard” from ABC, CNN, MSNBC etc. They never said a word.

God bless America and those that keep us safe!

Anger in America

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The progressives will try and tell you people who do not like obama are racists. According to their logic if you are not a socialist/communist and fully accept the destruction of this country on every level you are a racist. It is they who are the real racists, when they accuse people of being racists when they are not. This video sums up everything that Americans are angry about regarding obama’s communization of America. These angry Americans cross all political affiliations and races.

Man Superglued To Wal-Mart Toilet

A Maryland man had to scream for help after getting super glued to a toilet inside a Walmart and an employee had to call 911 for help.

Police won’t say how long the man was stuck, but rescue crews had to unbolt the seat from the toilet and take the man to the hospital with the toilet still attached.

Customers who heard about the prank couldn’t help but laugh.

Authorities have yet to glue down a suspect in the case but they are not amused.

They say whoever is responsible will face second-degree assault charges.


We’ve Got to Stop Spending Money We Don’t Have

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The president recently put forward a budget that not only fails to address the serious financial challenges facing our nation but also continues to add to our nation’s debt. Senate Republicans are urging Congress and the president to realize that we have to stop spending money we don’t have if we want to put our nation on a path to fiscal health and create an environment in which businesses can grow and create jobs.

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