Tag: Facebook
On Facebook, MySpace? Obama’s Got Your E-mail
White House spammer-in-chief wants contractor to track critics
The White House is hiring a contractor to harvest information about Americans from its pages on social networking websites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.
The National Legal and Policy Center, or NLPC, revealed the White House New Media team is seeking to hire a technology vendor to collect data such as comments, tag lines, e-mail, audio and video from any place where the White House “maintains a presence” – for a period of up to eight years.
“The contractor shall provide the necessary services to capture, store, extract to approved formats, and transfer content published by EOP (Executive Office of the President) on publicly-accessible web sites, along with information posted by non-EOP persons on publicly-accessible web sites where the EOP offices under PRA (Presidential Records Act) maintains a presence,” the posting states.
Obama’s Strange Strategy: Borrow Foreign Money to Give to Foreign Countries
Sarah Palin gets it and more importantly, she’s not afraid to tell it like it is.
We need a leader like that.
Should we be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Given that we are running massive deficits and are drowning in more than $14 trillion in debt, and despite not knowing who will rule Egypt until its election this fall, this strange strategy may be the end result given President Obama’s announcement that he is committing $2 billion to Egypt’s “new government.” It’s part of a $20 billion foreign aid package laid out with the Group of 8 countries in Europe today.
Now, given that Egypt has a history of corruption when it comes to utilizing American aid, it is doubtful that the money will really help needy Egyptian people. Couple that with the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is organized to have a real shot at taking control of Egypt’s government, and one has to ask why we would send money (that we don’t have) into unknown Egyptian hands?
Throwing borrowed money around is not sound economic policy. And throwing borrowed money around the developing world is not sound foreign policy. Foreign assistance should go to American allies that need it and appreciate it, and for humanitarian purposes when it can truly make a difference.
Considering the Obama Administration’s continued strange strategies on the economy and foreign policy has us counting down the days to the next election. November 2012 can’t come soon enough.
– Sarah Palin
The ‘Hope and Change’ Sticky Note Campaign
Video Description:
Purchase a pad of large sticky notes. Write on each one, “How’s that Hope & Change working out for you?” Every time you stop to fill your vehicle with gas, place your sticky note somewhere on the pump before you drive away. DO NOT be destructive in ANY way! Place your sticky note somewhere, so as not to impede the next customer’s ability to read the pump’s digital readout.
After placing your sticky note, please consider taking a digital picture, then uploading it to our wall. Please tell us in which city and state the picture was taken. This is meant to be a “quiet” protest by our silent majority of Americans, to be served upon this administration!! Thank you all for your support!
*** For media interview requests, please e-mail me at [email protected] ***
Please Note: This is meant to be an ongoing event! Facebook limits the duration for any event created, to a term of not more than four months. It is my desire that we continue on with this event until Jan. 20th, 2013, when a new President will take his or her’s oath of office! Now, plan your trips to the office supply stores, America! We have a message to deliver! GO TEAM!!! Lo
Places to stick your sticky’s!
01. The Gym
02. Food Stores, NOT on food items, i.e. packages, boxes,etc. Front edges of shelves only.
03. Gas Stations
04 Doctor’s Offices
05. Restrooms, on the toilet, sink, mirror, door, towel dispenser, etc.
06. Self Check Out Machines, right where the change comes out.
07. Hunting Clubs
08. Bars
09. Shopping carts, on the handle, baby seat, etc.
10. Bulletin Boards in stores
11. Red Boxes
12. Leave Fliers in empty shopping carts
13. Your Electric and Water Meters
14. Flea Markets
15. Resort Areas you visit
16 The “Mom and Pop” stores.
17. Your Computer, Bulletin Board, Desk, etc. at work! It will generate some questions.
18. ATM’s, where the money comes out.
19. Fast Food Drive, on the order screen.
20. Fast Food Restrooms, on the toilet, sink, mirror, door, towel dispenser, etc.
21. Car Washes
22. Laundry Mats