Stuff Bush Didn’t Do

An excellent illustration from American Thinker:

In the face of five years of Obama failure, the American Left still invokes the specter of George W. Bush as the all-purpose explanation for everything that has gone wrong. Yet the 43rd president is steadily climbing in public esteem, as his sunny disposition and serious demeanor toward the duties of office sit well in the public memory. So, too, his dignified behavior as ex-president brings credit.

One good way to force the Left to confront President Obama’s own responsibility for his conduct in office is to compare his abuses of office with the record of President Bush 43, who was reviled by by his opposition as a dictator-wannabe, Constitution-abusing, moronic ogre straddling the line between simian and human. Doug Ross of Director Blue has produced an amusing comic-book approach toward explaining the differences between the two men:

Stuff Bush Didn't Do


Cleta Mitchell – Patriot Of The Day

Cleta Mitchell – Patriot Of The Day

Attorney Cleta Mitchell is our Patriot Of The Day for having the guts to to tell Congress that the DOJ investigation into the IRS is a total sham and that it’s non-existent.

This woman has more balls than all of the men in Congress!

Cleta Mitchell to Congress: DOJ IRS Investigation Is a Sham, Non-Existent”

Cleta Mitchell told Congress today the IRS is still targeting conservative groups. Mitchell also said the “ongoing” DOJ investigation is a complete sham.

“I want to make three primary points here. First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real. Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bunch of bone-headed bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday. And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over. It is continuing to this day. And, the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham. It is a nonexistent investigation.”


Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Inmates Who Defaced American Flag Get Only Bread And Water

Sheriff Joe Arpaio american flag

Sheriff Joe Arpaio put inmates on a diet of bread and water for seven days as the punishment for defacing American flags placed in their jail cells. Only Liberals will have a problem with this.

There is no doubt that the patriotic duo of Obama and Holder will launch a federal investigation into this outrageous violation of these poor prisoners’ civil rights.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County said inmates who defaced American flags in their cells will be fed only bread and water for a week.

The flags were placed in cells in November in a patriotism campaign by the sheriff, who accused some inmates of “tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel. It’s a disgrace,” CNN reported.

In addition to the display of flags, the “Star Spangled Banner” is played over the jail intercom each morning and every evening inmates hear “God Bless America,” the report said.

The flags were put in cells after Arpaio announced he would hire more veterans.

He says more than 600 male and female veterans work for the sheriff’s department, which manages 8,000 inmates.


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