The Great Chinese State Circus Ballet Company Performs Swan Lake

This weekend’s entertainment: The Great Chinese State Circus Ballet Company performs scenes from Swan Lake. The performance is from the German TV program “Wetten, dass?” and it goes way beyond traditional ballet techniques. So gather up the young ones and watch this magnificent, jaw-dropping version of extreme ballet!

Martina McBride Performs “God Bless America”

This just may be the best version of “God Bless America” ever performed anywhere.

This weekend’s entertainment: Martina McBride singing “God Bless America” at the 2002 Rose Bowl Parade. If you don’t feel a sense of pride after watching this, you better find another country to live in.

New Speed Racer Theme Song

For all of the Speed Racer fans, Warner Brothers has released the official music video for the newly revamped version of the “Go Speed Racer Go” theme song as performed by Ali Dee and the Deekompressors. In my opinion, it does the cartoon version justice.

Money Lessons From Cliff Huxtable

This weekend’s entertainment: A clip from “The Cosby Show”.

In this famous dialogue from the pilot episode, Theo tells his dad that he doesn’t aspire to make a lot of money like his parents. He wants to make just enough, like regular people. And so using Monopoly money, Cliff offers a classic lesson in economics.

Cliff: So how much do you expect to make a week for “regular people”?

Theo: $250.

Cliff: (pointing to the bed) Sit down. I will give you $300 a week. $1,200 a month. (Cliff hands the money to Theo)

Theo: I’ll take it!

Cliff: And I will take $350 for taxes.

Theo: Whoa!

Cliff: Oh, yeah. See, the government goes for the regular people first. So, how much does that leave you with?

Theo: $850.

Cliff: OK, now you’ll need an apartment because you are NOT living here. Now an apartment in Manhattan will run you at least $400 a month. (Cliff takes $400)

Theo: I’ll live in New Jersey. (Theo takes back $200)

Cliff: Now you’ll need a car. (Cliff takes $300)

Theo: I’ll drive a motorbike. (Theo takes back $100)

Cliff: You’re gonna need a helmet. (Cliff takes $50) Now figure $100 a month for clothes and shoes.

Theo: Figure $200. I wanna look GOOD.

Cliff: So, how much does that leave you with?

Theo: $200. So, no problem.

Cliff: There IS a problem! You haven’t EATEN yet! (Cliff takes $100)

Theo: I can get by on bologna and cereal. (Theo takes back his $100) So I’ve got everything under control PLUS $200 left for the month.

Cliff: You plan to have a girlfriend?

Theo: For sure.

(Cliff takes the remaining $200)

Cliff: (pointing at Theo’s empty hand): Regular people.

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