Solid Potato Salad – The Ross Sisters

Solid Potato Salad? No, it’s not what you get when you leave the deli container out of the fridge too long. It’s a 1940s term for…something (I have no idea what). In this classic footage from the movie “Broadway Rhythm” (1944), the Ross sisters, Aggie, Maggie and Elmira, sing and move in ways that don’t look humanly possible. Yoga anyone? Movie buffs will recognize the tune as one of the background instrumentals from “The Godfather.”

It starts out looking like another kitschy 40’s tune, but give it a minute. Things get wild! Now if I can just figure out what apples have to do with potato salad…

(Extra trivia: While the Ross Sisters are billed in their act as Aggie, Maggie and Elmira Ross, their real-life names were actually Vicki, Dixie and Betsy Ross.)

Hat Tip Theo Spark

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

The entertainment for this weekend: The Theatrical Trailer for “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”.

I’ve watched Killer Klowns from Outer Space more times than I can count and that was before it was cool to hate clowns.

“What are you going to do with those pies, boys?”

Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988) Theatrical Trailer

This is the plot when a small town is invaded by aliens from outer space who are capturing and killing the townspeople, no one takes them seriously. Why? The aliens all look like circus clowns, use weapons that look clown like, and all have painted on smiles. Only a few of the young people in the town realize the danger and of course no one believes them. Armed with an ice cream truck they try and rescue their friends. Will you survive the attack of the killer klowns?

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