Russia’s Invasion Of Georgia is a National Security Issue

Russia’s brutal invasion of Georgia makes one thing perfectly clear and should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. We need to Drill Here and Drill Now! The invasion shines the light on the need to dramatically reduce or cut off our dependence on foreign oil. Why would the U.S. want to expose the American economy to the potential risk of being held hostage by a couple of oil pipelines that run through the old Soviet empire? Do we really want OPEC, Hugo Chavez, and Vladimir Putin to control our energy prices? Or will we be brave enough to seize our own energy independence? Expanding domestic oil exploration and refining is vital for our national security and the security of our allies.

Its time for Congress to get off their corrupt lazy asses and pass an energy bill that includes drilling on all federal lands and offshore, plus the development of alternative forms of energy.

Republicans need to jump all over this and explain it to the American people.

This editorial from IBD is spot on and backs up my point.

Answering Russia

Energy: Russia’s bloody invasion of a smaller neighbor whose territory includes a vital oil pipeline has left many people wondering: What can we do? Plenty, it turns out — including some things right here at home.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev announced he was halting Russia’s air and ground attack on Georgia, but someone forgot to tell Russia’s military.

It has continued its brutal assault, with news reports that Russian troops have started looting, raping and savagely attacking Georgian civilians.

It’s clear former President Vladimir Putin, not his handpicked successor Medvedev, is calling the shots. Putin’s made no secret of the fact that he wants to depose Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and set up a pliant puppet regime, giving him de facto control of Georgia’s oil pipeline — the main conduit to Europe from the oil-rich Caspian Sea that’s not on Russian soil.

Why would Russia do this? As we note elsewhere on this page, roughly a quarter of Europe’s energy comes from Russia. This tightens Putin’s stranglehold on Europe’s economy and gives him all the diplomatic leverage he needs.

If you don’t believe this, look at the EU’s weak response to the crisis in Georgia. It “brokered” a cease-fire that is essentially a total capitulation by Georgia to Russian demands. Appeasement is back.

After Putin’s bullying, Europe is less likely to object to Russia’s profiteering from Iran’s nuclear program, or Russia’s brutal war against Chechnyan separatists, or its intimidation of Eastern European countries. Europe has no sticks for Russia — only carrots.

That’s not the case with the U.S. Start with President Bush’s pledge Wednesday to support Georgia, an ally in the war on terror, and send it aid. Bush warned Russia the U.S. might not support its “aspirations” to join diplomatic, economic and security groups.

We’ve already canceled joint NATO-Russia naval exercises, scheduled for this weekend. And we can turn the G-8 nations back into the G-7. Russia has shown that it doesn’t deserve to be counted among democratic, economically free nations.

But there’s more we can do:

• Russia wants badly to join the World Trade Organization. Put that on a back burner until it starts behaving.

• Russia is scheduled to hold the 2014 Winter Olympics at the resort of Sochi, 15 miles from Abkhazia, the other Georgian province that Russia just invaded. Cancel it, and give it to a more deserving host.

• We’re building a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. We should accelerate our plans, and broaden participation.

• Russia took in about $27 billion in foreign investment last year. We should limit capital flows to make sure Western capital and technology aren’t used to build Russia’s military.

In short, if Russia wants a Cold War, we can give them one.

One other thing: Congress should, as a matter of national security, pass a broad energy bill that includes drilling on all federal lands and offshore, plus the development of alternative energy.

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats deny the U.S. badly needed sources of new energy, they make America more vulnerable to energy blackmail. Russia’s gambit should remind us that energy policy is too important to be held hostage to special interests and domestic politics.

We have huge amounts of potential energy to be developed — at least 130 billion barrels of conventional oil reserves, 800 billion more in oil shale, massive supplies of natural gas, coal, burgeoning solar and wind technologies, and the technological ability to build the world’s most efficient and safe nuclear power plants.

Yet today, Americans get nearly 70% of their oil from overseas, making us vulnerable to blackmail by the likes of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran and now even Russia. Developing the full range of energy sources we have available may be the single most effective way of ensuring our nation’s security.

Energy Independence: August Recess Roll Call

Congress voted on 7-30-08 whether to adjourn for the August recess or stay in session for votes on offshore oil drilling.

The vote was 213 to adjourn vs. 212 to stay in session.

213 Democrats voted to adjourn.

17 Democrats crossed over and voted with 195 Republicans to stay in session.

Did your Congressperson vote your interest? Check this link to find out and if they voted YEA, let them know how you feel in November if they are up for reelection.

Alternative Energy Sources: We Need a Car that Runs on Democrats’ Lies

In her latest article “This is not a drill”, Ann Coulter is dead on as always. She exposes the Democrats as the liars that we all know they are.

Today, oil is the energy of Americans freedom. As we all can see, relying on foreign sources of oil is limiting our freedom and giving away our wealth. Those who oppose developing domestic sources of oil are enemies of freedom, make note of our leaders who oppose our freedom.

If Americans remain free and prosperous we will develop an alternate energy source i.e. something other than oil or corn based ethanol. If we lose our freedom we will also lose our prosperity, we will become at the mercy of tyrants, both domestic and foreign. Maybe that is what Pelosi and the Democrats want!

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or as she is called on the Big Dogs blog, “the worst speaker in the history of Congress,” explained the cause of high oil prices back in 2006: “We have two oilmen in the White House. The logical follow-up from that is $3-a-gallon gasoline. It is no accident. It is a cause and effect. A cause and effect.”

Yes, that would explain why the price of oral sex, cigars and Hustler magazine skyrocketed during the Clinton years. Also, I note that Speaker Pelosi is a hotelier … and the price of a hotel room in New York is $1,000 a night! I think she might be onto something.

Is that why a barrel of oil costs mere pennies in all those other countries in the world that are not run by “oilmen”? Wait — it doesn’t cost pennies to them? That’s weird.

In response to the 2003 blackout throughout the Northeast U.S. and parts of Canada, Pelosi blamed: “President Bush and Rep. Tom DeLay’s oil-company interests.” The blackout was a failure of humans operating electric power; it had nothing to do with oil. And I’m not even “an oilman.”

But yes — good point: What a disaster having people in government who haven’t spent their entire lives in politics! That explains everything. A government official with relevant experience or knowledge about an issue is obviously a crisis of gargantuan proportions.

This must be why the Democrats are nominating B. Hussein Obama, who finished middle school three days ago and has less experience than a person one might choose at random from the audience of “American Idol.”

Announcing the Democrats’ bold new “plan” on energy last week, Pelosi said breaking into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve “is one alternative.” That’s not an energy plan. It’s using what we already have — much like “conservation,” which is also part of the Democrats’ plan.

Conservation, efficiency and using oil we hold in reserve for emergencies does not get us more energy. It’s as if we were running out of food and the Democrats were telling us: “Just eat a little less every day.” Great! We’ll die a little more slowly. That’s not what we call a “plan.” We need more energy, not a plan for a slower death.

But there’s more! Pelosi announced that the Democrats also plan to push for “an historic investment in biofuels, efficiency, conservation and the rest.” The “rest” is apparently what she called our “important and essential” investment in alternative energy.

That certainly would be historic: We would make history by throwing our money away on unproven energy boondoggles that have eaten up untold billions since the 1960s without producing a single net kilowatt of power while we all starve to death.

The proposal to use energy sources that don’t yet produce any energy is like the old New Yorker cartoon with Obama in Muslim garb — no wait, that was a different cartoon. The cartoon is: A scientist has written out his extremely complicated theory on a blackboard and is showing it to another scientist. The theory consists of numbers and characters and takes up the entire blackboard. About two-thirds of the way across, reading left to right, appear the words, “then a miracle happens,” followed by more numbers and characters.

That’s the Democrats’ plan to run cars on biofuels, solar and wind power: Then a miracle happens. The current Democratic mantra on energy is: “We can’t drill our way out of this problem.” Apparently their plan is to talk our way out of this problem.

Democrats are also alleging that the oil companies are sitting on millions of acres of oil but are refusing to drill — presumably because oil company executives hate the American people and perversely don’t want to make money. Manifestly, those acres are being explored for oil or have already come up dry.

If the Democrats really wanted oil companies to find more oil, they’d allow oil companies to drill offshore and to drill in ANWR, which we happen to know is bursting with oil.

But they don’t. They don’t want drilling. They don’t want more oil. They want humans to ride bicycles and then to die. We deserve it: We were mean to the polar bears.

It’s good to know that in the middle of a crisis, the Democrats are still liars. As long as we’re fantasizing about “alternative” energy sources, what we really need is a car that runs on Democrats’ lies.

It is time for Nancy “the Troll at the Bridge” Pelosi to Resign

Nancy Pelosi’s lame-brained plan to use the strategic oil reserve to try to lower prices, while still blocking any attempt to drill is the final straw. In playing politics with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Nancy Pelosi has moved beyond the incompetence and irresponsibility that have characterized her leadership to date. She is nothing short of dangerous to the future of our country and has become a real life living example of the “Troll at the Bridge” that stands in the way of America’s energy independence and lower gas prices. She should resign immediately.

Drill Here, Drill Now. Just get the Hell to it!

Feckless To Reckless, Pelosi Should Resign

Leadership: With oil hitting $147, Nancy Pelosi finally admits energy is a problem. But instead of drilling for it, she’s cooked up a new drain-the-reserves scheme. It’s pure politics at a time of crisis. She ought to resign.

Any leader with an energy record as derelict as Speaker Pelosi’s ought to step down. Where she once was just incompetent and irresponsible, she has now — with her latest scheme to fix oil prices — become dangerous.

Despite polls showing Americans in favor of drilling more oil from America’s huge untapped supplies, Pelosi won’t allow it. She just wants to empty our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for a short-term fix to get through Election Day.

It’s an irresponsible suggestion, signaling not only an ignorance of how the economy works but also a willingness to place the nation at risk in the case of emergency.

Last Tuesday, Pelosi sent a letter to President Bush urging him to release a “small portion” of the nation’s 706 million barrels of strategic-reserve oil to bring down prices. Regardless of how one feels about whether reserves should be held at all, two big problems stand out with Pelosi’s tiny demand.

One, she’s proposing a misappropriation of the reserves. The U.S. oil stockpile is a 58-day cushion for emergencies that today are all possible. If Israel attacks Iran, for example, and prices double again. Or if Hugo Chavez cuts off his supplies, as he threatened to do as recently as Sunday.

The reserve is there to cushion the blow of a market disruption; it’s not an open-market mechanism to manipulate prices for political ends.

Two, Pelosi has finally admitted that supply matters, something that contrasts with her entire legislative record. We count 14 energy actions to suppress supply on her Web site just since 2005.

She has blocked efforts to open Alaska to drilling, denounced fossil fuels, blamed oil companies for high gasoline prices, voted for biotech boondoggles and condemned speculators.

“Our coasts need lasting protection from oil and gas drilling,” she declared Dec. 6, 2006, after Democrats won control of Congress. Missing are any moves against petrotyrant regimes who drive prices skyward, or even lip service to the idea of ensuring supply through drilling.

Pelosi downplays her proposal as modest because it’s a “small” portion of the reserves to spend. And look what happened in 2000, she says, when an SPR release authorized by President Clinton lowered gasoline prices nearly 20%.

But she’s not fooling anyone. Then, like now, an election was coming up.

With Congress’ public approval at a subterranean 9% and falling, the speaker must be starting to realize that November may not be the Democratic cakewalk that pundits predict.

President Bush, however, isn’t about to be suckered into releasing the reserves just long enough for pump prices to fall by Election Day, thereby saving Democrats’ skins so they can carry on their drill-nothingism for an additional two years.

The president needs to do two things with Pelosi’s proposal: First, tell her “no,” unless she comes up with a plan to open up more drilling. Second, expose it for what it is — a bid to paint Bush as the problem to distract from her own sorry record.

In playing politics with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the speaker has moved beyond the incompetence and irresponsibility that have characterized her leadership to date.

It borders on reckless, something we cannot tolerate in such dangerous times.

Analysts Say Gas Prices Could Fall to $2 if Congress Acts
Nancy Pelosi Calls Drilling in Protected Areas a Hoax
Nozzle Rage: Getting Hosed at the Gas Pump
What do the Democratic-led Congress and OPEC Have in Common?
Democrat-Controlled Congress May Be Trying to Destroy America with $11 Per Gallon Gasoline
The Truth about Drilling in ANWR
The Oil Jihad Continues: OPEC President Predicts the Price of Oil Will Climb to $170 a Barrel before the End of the Year
OPEC’s Oil Jihad
Alaska Governor to Harry Reid: Start drilling in ANWR
Mad About High Gas Prices? An Easy Solution
10 Reasons To Blame Democrats For Soaring Gasoline Prices
Congressional Stupidity Is Destroying America
The Price Of Oil Rose 8% Today
Newt Gingrich: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
10 Energy Questions for the US Senate
Congress Responsible For High Oil and Gas Prices
Saudis And Democrats See No Reason To Raise Oil Production Now
The Democrat’s Energy Plan: When Common Sense Is Not So Common
ANWR Derangement Syndrome: Senate Democrats Reject Domestic Oil Drilling
Energy Pandering: Congress Divided On Energy Plan
Senators Introduce Bill to Increase Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Production
200 Billion Barrels Of Oil That Could Make The U.S. Energy Independent
Democrats Put Big Oil on Display Once Again
Corn Prices Jump to Record $6 a Bushel, Driving Up Costs for Food

Nancy Pelosi Calls Drilling in Protected Areas a Hoax

I guess a 9% approval rating isn’t low enough for Nancy Pelosi.

She is a perfect example of why Congress no longer represents the American people. They are so isolated in their own worlds of politics, corruption and self-ego, that they don’t see what is going on in this once great country. What the Founding Fathers feared has come to pass: an aristocracy.

All that Botox must have seeped into her brain.

Pelosi: Drilling in protected areas ‘a hoax’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday shut the door on expanding oil and gas drilling beyond areas that have already been approved for energy exploration, drawing a clear distinction from her counterparts in charge of the Senate.

“This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration” Pelosi said at her weekly press conference. “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

Pelosi’s stand may put her at odds with a growing number of members of the Democratic Caucus who have been moving toward possible compromises with Republicans on ways to expand domestic energy production.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday told reporters that expanded offshore drilling is not off the table, and that Democrats will take a look at whether states should be able to choose to drill off their coasts. “I’m not knee-jerk-opposed to anything,” Reid said.

Pelosi and other Democratic leaders also unveiled another series of proposals to deal with the energy and gas price crisis, and renewed their calls for immediate drilling on nearly 100 million domestic acres already approved for exploration. They also called for Bush to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Democrats are renewing their push for energy companies to “use or lose” the lands they already have leased. New proposals include requiring the Bureau of Land Management to speed up the leasing of approved areas; to reconstitute the ban on the export of American oil; and to urge the completion of the Alaskan oil and gas pipelines.

Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) also said committee work is being completed on bills to curtail excessive speculation in the oil commodity markets.

Democrats would not say when these bills would be ready for floor consideration.

Within minutes of the completion of the press conference, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) took to the floor to again criticize Democrats for dodging votes on energy bills, charging that Democrats are avoiding votes on the opening up of the Artic National Wildlife Refuge and the OCS.

Hoyer soon followed to retort, saying he and Democratic leaders have for weeks been urging for drilling on approved acres, only to have those efforts blocked by Republicans.

He blamed Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney – the “two oil men in the White House” – and Republicans for setting an energy policy that has driven up gas prices and steered record profits to the energy companies.

Republicans accused the Democrats of playing a political game.

“As every serious person who has studied this issue knows, the proposals that Democrats are producing are shams and hoaxes designed to provide political cover and not to produce more American energy and lower gas prices,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said.

Nozzle Rage: Getting Hosed at the Gas Pump
What do the Democratic-led Congress and OPEC Have in Common?
Democrat-Controlled Congress May Be Trying to Destroy America with $11 Per Gallon Gasoline
The Truth about Drilling in ANWR
The Oil Jihad Continues: OPEC President Predicts the Price of Oil Will Climb to $170 a Barrel before the End of the Year
OPEC’s Oil Jihad
Alaska Governor to Harry Reid: Start drilling in ANWR
Mad About High Gas Prices? An Easy Solution
10 Reasons To Blame Democrats For Soaring Gasoline Prices
Congressional Stupidity Is Destroying America
The Price Of Oil Rose 8% Today
Newt Gingrich: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less
10 Energy Questions for the US Senate
Congress Responsible For High Oil and Gas Prices
Saudis And Democrats See No Reason To Raise Oil Production Now
The Democrat’s Energy Plan: When Common Sense Is Not So Common
ANWR Derangement Syndrome: Senate Democrats Reject Domestic Oil Drilling
Energy Pandering: Congress Divided On Energy Plan
Senators Introduce Bill to Increase Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Production
200 Billion Barrels Of Oil That Could Make The U.S. Energy Independent
Democrats Put Big Oil on Display Once Again
Corn Prices Jump to Record $6 a Bushel, Driving Up Costs for Food

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