Loyal Soldier


The Wikileaks Emails just got scarier and scarier!

I call her ‘Queen Hillary’ all the time, because that’s how she acts – like she’s already the glorious ruler of America and we all should bow down and kiss her feet. But with all these WikiLeaks emails coming out, it’s more like she’s the leader of some brainwashed cult and her followers are all these lobotomized robots.

Joking about it is one thing. It’s spooky seeing it in real life.

In this email from one of the Queen’s minions, the person email John Podesta insists that they are a “loyal soldier” because Hillary’s done so much for them (the email address is “ntanden at gmail.com” – no other identifiers are included in the email). And if this doesn’t read like some loyal Clinton cult member, I don’t know what does –



Also, there’s this email from John Podesta to the rest of the Queen’s Loyal Soldiery saying that they could TOTALLY plant news stories with members of the media who are favorable to Hillary. People like Maggie Haberman of the New York Times and who also is a correspondent for CNN and Politco –


As discussed on our call, we are all in agreement that the time is right to place a story with a friendly journalist in the coming days that positions us a little more transparently while achieving the above goals.

For something like this, especially in the absence of us teasing things out to other, we feel that it’s important to go with what has worked in the past, as to a publication that will reach industry people for recruitment purposes.

We have has[sic] a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico over the last year. We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed.


The NJ Train Wreck… Are We Being Mislead Like Benghazi?

Was the NJ train wreck an act of terrorism? Are they covering up the real cause like they did with Benghazi because an act of terrorism will hurt Hillary’s chances of getting elected?

It still haven’t been determined what caused it. Seems odd after all these weeks that we haven’t heard anything.

The Obama Administration has mastered controlling the narrative with “shiny objects” that rely on the principles of distraction, outrage and misdirection. Are the American people being manipulated again?

Was The NJ Train Crash An Act Of Terrorism?
Hacked Emergency Message Foreshadowed The NJ Train Crash
1 Dead, More Than 100 Hurt In Hoboken Train Crash


Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

After reliving the scandals in this video, it is easy to see how the Clintons have perfected corruption and have been grooming Hillary for the presidency.

Pass it on!

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons were despicable; so were the Bushes; so is Obama. All presidents have been despicable, and the congress has always been, as Mark Twain observed, “The best money can buy.”

The fault lies with the gullible, ignorant, and stupid voters.

And in 2016 they’re ready again to vote another charlatan into office. The voters always look for a messiah to save them, because they want something for nothing. The next 8 years will be more war —perhaps a limited nuclear war; more erosion of liberty; more immigration; more outsourcing of jobs; more for the rich, less for the rest; more environmental pollution; more police brutality; more censorship; a major false-flag event; etc., etc., etc… Now, here’s sports!



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