Hillary Eye Problems Return

Hillary Clinton’s eye problems return at the Cleveland rally.

What is wrong with Hillary Clinton’s eyes?

Several instances of her eyes not appearing to be acting in sync happened again during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday evening.

Her left eye seemed to turn more than her right while she strained to make a point as she was looking to her right.

Writing for The Hill, Dr. John R. Coppedge observed:

It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.

It comes out of the base of the brain and runs along the floor of the skull, immediately beneath the brain before coursing upward to the eye. Dysfunction of that muscle causes the striking picture of the eyes not aiming in the same direction and causes the patient to suffer double vision.

Like all things medical, there is a long list of potential causes but in my opinion the most likely one, based on Clinton’s known medical history is an intermittent lateral rectus palsy caused by damage to or pressure on her sixth cranial nerve.

“If, as is statistically likely, Clinton’s transverse sinus is still blocked,” Coppedge writes, “she would still have increased pressure and swelling and decreased blood flow to her brain. That swelling would place pressure on the exposed portion of the sixth cranial nerve at the base of her brain, explaining the apparent lateral rectus palsy. And such a deficit can be partial and/or intermittent.”




Donald Trump Jr. Interview With Sean Hannity

A must watch and share!

What a clear and fast thinking guy. Maybe next in line after his father? Everyone of Donald’s kids could run this country!

What a testament to the man!

Donald Trump Jr. talked to Sean Hannity and absolutely unloaded on the liberals and their inability to tell the truth to the American people. He talked about the double standard that exists between liberals and conservatives and took the libs to task in what can only be described as the best post debate interview of this entire election.

He exposes exactly what is wrong with the media and this whole process. Every single time Donald Trump has said something, everyone reacts in a negative manner without even thinking about how that policy or ideology could help the country.

Read more…


Did Hillary Fear Running Against Jeb Bush?

Hillary Fear Jeb Bush

Did Hillary and the Clinton Campaign fear Jeb Bush?

A curious email with a subject line “Pew!” was in the batch of Podesta emails released today by Wikileaks.

The text reads:

I’m in Israel and just woke up to the news,,,,,,
Onward and forward.


It’s funny how its dated one day after Jeb Bush dropped out of the race.

Jeb Bush, who sought to join his father and brother in winning the White House, suspended his campaign for the presidency Saturday night after a long year-long slide in the polls and a disappointing showing in the South Carolina primary.

“I’m proud of the campaign we won to unify our country, and to advocate conservative solutions. . . . But the people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken,” Bush said to a hotel ballroom full of staffers, donors and longtime friends, some of whom burst into tears. “Tonight I am suspending my campaign.”



Huma Admits $12 Million Pay To Play With Morocco!

Another Wikileaks BOMBSHELL: Hillary’s assistant Huma Abedin admits to a $12 million pay to play meeting with Morocco!

Does anybody know the definition of “bribe” anymore?

Huma Pay Play

Former US president Bill Clinton, who is on a private visit to Morocco, was received on Sunday in the Rabat royal palace by HM King Mohammed VI.

ABC News reported in may 6, 2015 that ex-president Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative were being hosted at a five-star luxury hotel in Morocco by one of the world’s most controversial mining companies, criticized for “serious human rights violations” by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice.

The Moroccan government-owned mining company OCP operates in disputed international territory in a remote part of the Saharan Desert and the firm has been criticized for removing the resources without adequately compensating the impoverished people who live there.“

Any time the human rights of a population are systematically suppressed in this type of way it’s a serious concern, and I think it’s worthy of attention,” said David McKean, who has studied the issue for the RFK center.

OCP mining paid $1 million to help host the event and throw a private cocktail reception, to the dismay of human rights activists.


Corroboration from the guys at Free Republic:



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