Wikileaks Shows John Podesta Knowingly Participated In Insider Trading

Smoking Gun:

Look at the attachments. John discusses creating shell companies with the help of his daughter, Megan Rouse who is a financial advisor for Deutsch Bank ( In these attachments it shows that John was directly involved in the creation of Leonidio Holdings which he later transferred 75,000 holdings of Joule Unlimited to.

In this email she is unaware of her official position and John states he will take care of the taxes and what not for the company.

This email shows the Podesta children having the roles in the Company established. The entire family is involved with his scheme.

And the icing on the cake:

“Two months after Podesta joined the board, Vladimir Putin’s Rusnano announced that it would invest up to one billion rubles into Joule Unlimited, which amounts to $35 million. That represents one-fifth of the entire amount of investment dollars Joule collected from 2007 to 2013,” the GAI report concludes.”

“It is my understanding that John transferred the resulting 75,000 common shares from the option exercise to the Leonidio LLC.,” Slovakian wrote in a January 2014 email. “As such, we would need to edit the Transfer of Share Agreement to reflect the transfer of 75,000 common shares to the LLC.”

Podesta purchased his stocks in Joule Unlimited right before Putin announced that he would invest $35 million into the mining. This announcement was only made possible due to US Involvement in the Uranium One deal allowing for Uranium mining. He then transferred these shares to Megan Rouse (Leonidio Holdings) to cover up his involvement with the investment.

These emails/attachments show that John invested in a company he knew would rise in value once the US helped lift the ban on Uranium mining and directly profited as a result. Also, John continued to control these shares as with the help of his daughter Megan Rouse (Leonidio Holdings).


“Podesta has said he transferred his 75,000 shares from Joule to a holding company named Leonidio Holdings. But included in the released emails is information that Podesta received a K1 income tax form indicating that he was a partner sharing income with Leonidio Holdings, while another form was made out to Podesta’s daughter Megan Rouse, who is a financial planner.

A June 5, 2015 email from Rouse to John, Mae and Gabe Podesta shows the extent to which other family members were involved: “Mae and Gabe, Please see attached K1 for Leonidio. You can use this to complete your 2014 tax return. We will each report 1/3 share of what’s on the form. Mom and Pa, Please see attached K1 showing the distribution to Leonidio.”

“The Wall Street Journal ( pointed out that after Podesta said he was no longer involved in the company, other emails showed he also received a bill for legal expenses related to Leonidio’s incorporation in Delaware, which raised the question of why he would pay the bills for something in which had no interest.”

Podesta has been caught lying in regards to his involvement with these shares. He has even been billed for services pertaining to the company and his ENTIRE family is involved. He has no plausible deniability anymore.

“Great to see you on Friday! Totally confidential but in case you haven’t heard they are announcing 5 year drilling plan tomorrow late morning. ”

This one is more well know but John Podesta told two friends of confidential information regarding drilling plans. He even acknowledges that it is confidential information that probably shouldn’t be shared.

“With the Clinton campaign’s newfound interest in Russian espionage, it’s worth noting that it was John Podesta’s brother, Tony Podesta, who runs the firm that pocketed $180,000 from Uranium One, the Russian government’s uranium company to which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton transferred 20% of U.S. uranium.”

The Breibart article highlights some concerning talking points and provides sources for each statement. If anyone finds anything further or that adds further proof please don’t be shy about posting!



Audio: Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election

Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election

An audio from 2006 has emerged that has Hillary Clinton proposing rigging the Palestinian election. The audio was recorded by Eli Chomsky of the Jewish Press when she was trying to get re-elected to the Senate. The remark is now being seen in a new light since many are concerned about voter fraud in the 2016 election.

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.” ~ Hillary Clinton (2006).


n September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.

The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.

The tape is 45 minutes and contains much that is no longer relevant, such as analysis of the re-election battle that Sen. Joe Lieberman was then facing in Connecticut. But a seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton’s Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is “rigged.”

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