A Little Secret For Hillary Supporters

I’m going to let all you upset Hillary supporters in on a little secret.

To those of you questioning now how you will ever be able to raise a child in a world full of hate and bigotry, saying this election has provided even a further wedge in our nations divide, etc. Donald J. Trump will not come into your home and teach your children real values and morals, you will.

He will not hold your hand and walk you down the street and tell you to smile when you pass a stranger, you will.

He will not teach your children to not see color, gender, nor disabilities, you will.

He will not teach your children to be open-minded toward others beliefs, views, and opinions, you will.

WE are the ones that shape our communities, WE are the only ones that can solve this racial divide, and WE are the ones that can really make the difference in our lives, our children’s lives, and each others lives.

But, some things he will do is clean up this mess of a tax system, healthcare system; strengthen our military, back the blue, support our vets, bring jobs back, strengthen our borders, and sustain our given rights as Americans. All so that you CAN raise a child in a safe and great America.

The rest is up to you, and up to US as Americans.

The days of handouts, the blame game, and participation trophies are officially over, take on responsibility for your behaviors.

Be an adult.

Now… Let’s HELP make America GREAT again!


Who’s Behind These Spontaneous Protests?

George Soros, Hillary Clinton, The DNC And Barack Hussein Obama are behind these “spontaneous” protests.

Think about it. Hillary couldn’t even gin up enough enthusiasm at her rallies to draw even 200 hundred people. Now thousands of violent thugs are taking to the streets because she lost?

It doesn’t add up!

Why aren’t Obama and Hillary condemning these protests? Where were these protesters when Hillary and the DNC stole the Primary from Bernie Sanders?

This reeks of Saul Alinsky!

George Soros Is The Main Instigator Funding All These Trump Protests

George Soros Is The Main Instigator Funding All These Trump Protests

George Soros

George Soros is the main instigator of and funding all these protests against Trump winning the election. DO NOT ENGAGE. Stay home, let them protest. He’s trying to start a civil war. This has probably been the back up plan all along.

They want Trump supporters to come out and challenge the protesters because they know violence will break out. This is not a joke and not a time for overreacting. Things could get very ugly, very quickly across the entire country if fights start breaking out. We are not safe until Trump is actually in the White House. Small fires can spread very quickly under the right conditions. Be prepared. The powerful elite do not go down easily.

Mass civil unrest = Martial Law = President suspending transfer of power due to “National Emergency”. This is the plan.

Proof the protests are staged:
They found the buses! Dozens lined up just blocks away from the Austin protests.


More proof the protests are staged:
Pretty sure he paid for all these protest signs.



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