How To Of The Day: How To Make A Paper Airplane Fly Forever

Viral Video Lab teaches you how you can make a paper airplane fly forever, with the help of a preheated electric stove.

This awesome video shows you how to make a paper airplane fly endlessly. The principal is the same as in real aviation: thermals. Thermals allow real sailplanes to fly for hours. As real thermals are to strong for our self-made paper airplane, we are using a miniature thermal that everyone has in his kitchen: Hotplates. Four hot plates producing hot air which rises and let our paper plane fly as long as we want. The paper aeroplane must be centered while it performs it turns, in the middle of the for heating plates. so it took me about 87 takes to produce this video. if the paper airplane isn´t exactly in the centre of the plates, it will drop off. So feel free to build your own paper plane and let it fly as long as you want in your kitchen. Good Luck.


Free Falling In Outer Space

Free Falling In Outer Space

Have you ever wanted to float in space like an astronaut? It turns out that it’s less like floating, and more like a free-fall in orbit around the Earth.


If you were to orbit the Earth, you’d experience the feeling of free fall, not unlike what your stomach feels before a big dive on a roller coaster. With a little help from Sir Isaac Newton, Matt J. Carlson explains the basic forces acting on an astronaut and why you probably shouldn’t try this one at home.


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