Who Invented The Internet? And Why?

An explanation of who invented the Internet and why.

It wasn’t Al GoreBULLwarming.


Who was the genius who came up with all of that? The internet is such a crucial tool in our daily lives today that we hardly remember that it hasn’t been here forever. But yeah, it is actually not that old. We still have fuzzy memories about the time before the first thing in the morning was to check email and browse our favorite blogs and youtube channels. Well, let’s explore how the internet came into existence and why.


School House Rock – The Preamble

During the 1970’s when this cartoon was aired for the first time to the American people; the American society was a good society that put America first. We taught our children what it is to be an American.

Today that no longer is a priority; unlimited immigration without assimilation and anti-American Communists that refuse to follow the U.S. Constitution are destroying what was once a great Nation. And what do we do? Nothing.

We are no longer a Nation, we have become a Country filled with aliens from every third world country from across the globe. I don’t believe America will survive as the Nation our founding fathers left us; “One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All” , unless we as a “people” WAKE UP!!!


How Many Ways Can You Arrange A Deck Of Cards?

How many ways can you arrange a deck of cards? Yannay Khaikin explains the mind-boggling math.


One deck. Fifty-two cards. How many arrangements? Let’s put it this way: Any time you pick up a well shuffled deck, you are almost certainly holding an arrangement of cards that has never before existed and might not exist again. Yannay Khaikin explains how factorials allow us to pinpoint the exact (very large) number of permutations in a standard deck of cards.


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