Where Each US Region Gets Its Oil Imports

Ever wondered exactly which countries the oil in your region comes from? Well here is the answer.

Where Oil Comes From

Last year, the U.S. imported 40 percent of its crude oil. But not as much as you might think comes from the Middle East. Most of it comes from Canada, and a good amount from Africa.

But where your fuel comes from has a lot to do with what part of the country you’re in. To the person standing at the pump, gassing up the ol’ family truckster, it all looks and smells the same when it comes out of the pump nozzle. But it didn’t all start out the same.

Some grades of crude are more difficult to process than others. For example, crude that comes from Canada’s tar sands takes a different process to refine than the type of shale oil found in North Dakota and Texas.

All in all, the U.S. imports about 2.3 million barrels per day from Canada, 2.1 million barrels per day from the Middle East, and 900,000 million barrels per day from Africa. Where that oil ends up depends upon where it makes the most sense to ship. That’s why African oil goes to the East and Gulf coasts, Mexican crude to the Texas and nearby states, and Canadian oil to the Midwest and anywhere else a pipeline can take it.

If it’s approved by the U.S. government, the proposed Keystone XL pipeline extension could mean pumping 1.5 million gallons per day of Canadian tar sand crude over 1,700 miles to Texas refineries. But the political battle will have to play out completely before the fate of the project is settled.


While the Rest of the Country Suffers… Obama Gives Joe Biden and Congress a Raise

Do you smell that? That stench in Washington? Fiscal Cliff my ass! It’s time to storm the Bastille!

Under Obama the median US household income has dropped $4,520 a year but that didn’t stop him from giving Joe Biden and Congress a raise.

Barack Obama issued an executive order giving a pay raise to Joe Biden and members of Congress.
The Weekly Standard reported:

President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.

According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he’ll now make $231,900 per year.

Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase.

Meanwhile… For the rest of America, median household income has dropped $4,520, or about one month’s average wages, since President Obama took office


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