Tag: Drugs
Michael Jackson’s Horrific Autopsy Results
Judging by the autopsy results, it is not Jackson’s death that was so tragic, but his life. This just goes to show that sleeping in a pure oxygen chamber and going out with a surgical mask on has absolutely no potential for elongating ones days on earth.
From The New York Post:
An autopsy on Michael Jackson revealed that the King of Pop’s emaciated body was riddled with needle marks and scars, and his head was virtually bald, it was reported today.
Jackson’s body had wasted away to a mere 112 pounds, and his stomach was completely empty except for partially dissolved pills, according to the London Sun.
His hips, thighs and shoulders were covered with needle wounds, believed to have come from shots of painkillers, and he was wearing a wig when he was found because his hair had been reduced to a “peach fuzz” on his scalp, the report said.
“He was skin and bone, his hair had fallen out, and he had been eating nothing but pills when he died,” a source close to the singer’s entourage told the paper.
“Injection marks all over his body and the disfigurement caused by years of plastic surgery show he’d been in terminal decline for some years.”
There were four fresh injections around his heart, presumably from attempts to pump adrenaline into it to jumpstart it, the paper said.
Three of them had penetrated and damaged his heart wall, while a fourth struck his ribs, the paper reported.
He also sustained several broken ribs while authorities administered CPR during his final moments Thursday.
Jackson had one spot above his left ear that was scarred and completely bald – the apparent result of burns sustained when his hair caught fire while he was filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984.
He also had numerous other scars, apparently from plastic surgery.
In addition, he had mysterious bruises on his knees and shins and cuts on his back, possibly indicating a recent fall, the paper said.
Jackson has had two autopsies performed on him: one by the Los Angeles coroner and a private one requested by the family.
The details leaked came from the official autopsy. The Sun didn’t say how it got the information.
Meanwhile, the cardiologist who was Jacko’s private doctor and performed CPR on him did it the wrong way, a Jackson family confidant claimed yesterday.
Dr. Conrad Murray found Jacko on the floor in his rented Los Angeles mansion and put him in a bed, the source said.
Medical experts say that compressions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed on a hard surface.
“Michael was on the floor first, and they put him on the bed, and then started compressions on the bed,” said the source, who had spoken to a Jackson relative. “What kind of doctor is that?”
In a transcript of the 911 call, the person seeking help says Jackson is “on the bed.” The dispatcher says, “OK, let’s get him down to the floor.”
Edward Chernoff, a lawyer for Murray, yesterday said the doctor found Jackson in his bed with a faint pulse.
Chernoff told The Associated Press that Murray was at the pop icon’s mansion Thursday afternoon when he discovered Jackson and immediately began administering CPR.
“He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn’t breathing,” the lawyer said. “Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse.”
Murray, who spoke to cops for three hours on Saturday, is a licensed MD and specializes in cardiology, although he is not board-certified.
Jackson hired Murray last month as he prepared for a grueling 50-date concert series in London that had been set to start in July.
Chernoff also said Murray never prescribed or gave Jackson the powerful painkillers Demerol or OxyContin. He denied reports suggesting Murray gave Jackson an injection of Demerol shortly before his death.
“Dr. Murray has never prescribed nor administered Demerol to Michael Jackson,” Chernoff said. “Not ever. Not that day. Not OxyContin for that matter.”
FDA Declares Cheerios a Drug
This is total bullshit! I guess General Mills’ rivals gave money to Obama’s campaign. Did Kellogg contribute more to him or something?
President Obama isn’t just rewriting rules regulating the environment and the financial markets — he is also going after the food industry.
Target and example No. 1: Cheerios.
“Based on claims made on your product’s label,” the FDA said in a letter to manufacturer General Mills, “we have determined (Cheerios) is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation and treatment of disease.”
If the government’s enforcement action against Cheerios were to hold up, the cereal would be pulled from grocery shelves and consumers would need a prescription to buy a box of those little oats.
That’s unlikely, but experts say the message is clear: There is a new sheriff in town and when it comes to false, misleading and exaggerated labeling, you had better clean up your act.
“It is showing us that there is a new era,” says dietician and a former advertising executive Ashley Koff. “They are saying, we are coming into town and we are going to show you what will and won’t be allowed, and we’re going to be going after every single claim, whether it’s on a package or in TV.”
Bruce Silverglade of the consumer advocacy group, Center for Science in the Public Interest, said it was a welcome and needed change.
“The Obama administration is reversing course, thank goodness, and enforcing the law,” he said. “Cheerios was the first target. We hope though the FDA under the Obama administration clamps down on misleading health claims by other food manufacturers as well.
“During the Bush administration the Food and Drug Administration essentially took a policy of non-enforcement and failed to stop what became increasingly exaggerated claims, first by small food companies and by larger and larger food manufacturers,” Silverglade told FOX News.
At issue are two claims made by Cheerios on their cereal box.
1. “Cheerios is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol 4 percent in 6 weeks.”
2. “Cheerios can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, by lowering the ‘bad’ cholesterol.”
Both General Mills and the FDA declined to comment — but issued statements saying the two sides were in negotiations over the claims that have helped make Cheerios America’s best-selling cereal, amounting to one of every 8 boxes of cereal sold in the U.S.
General Mills is a titan of the food business with an army of lawyers. If the FDA can make it back down, others will follow.
“If I were an industry member and I saw what happened with Cheerios, I would look at this example and say the FDA is going after General Mills,” said Koff. “If I’m a maker of a small product I better start to look at any study that I am basing my claims on and what I put on my packaging.”
Koff argued that the General Mills study was suspect, as the company paid for the research and two staff members helped author it. That is not the type of rigorous, double-blind, peer-reviewed science necessary to back up drug claims.
“What we are seeing today is a government that understands that the obesity problem in America and the disease that is everywhere in America is not solely a consumer responsibility nor is it solely a marketer responsibility,” said Koff, who agrees with the FDA action, but said there are many other more egregious cases on store shelves.
Consumers outside a Los Angeles grocery store were less supportive of a move some called “silly” and heavy-handed.
“No, Cheerios should not be regulated by the FDA, because this is not a drug.”
Joe Biden’s Daughter Caught On Tape Snorting Cocaine
I doubt the “Main Stream Media” will even bother with this story. Let’s face it… she isn’t a Bush or a Palin.
A “friend” of Vice President Joseph Biden’s daughter, Ashley, is attempting to hawk a videotape that he claims shows her snorting cocaine at a house party this month in Delaware.
The anonymous male acquaintance of Ashley took the video, said Thomas Dunlap, a lawyer representing the seller.
Dunlap and a man claiming to be a lawyer showed The Post about 90 seconds of 43-minute tape, saying it was legally obtained and that Ashley was aware she was being filmed. The Post refused to pay for the video.
The video, which the shooter initially hoped to sell for $2 million before scaling back his price to $400,000, shows a 20-something woman with light skin and long brown hair taking a red straw from her mouth, bending over a desk, inserting the straw into her nostril and snorting lines of white powder.
She then stands up and begins talking with other people in the room. A young man looks on from behind her, facing the camera. The lawyers said he was Ashley’s boyfriend of a few years.
The camera follows the woman from a few feet away, focusing on her as she moves around the room. It appears not to be concealed. At one point she shouts, “Shut the f— up!”
The woman appears to resemble Ashley Biden, 27, a social worker for a Delaware child-welfare agency and a visible presence during her father’s campaign for the White House.