The Last 3 Years

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.


These wars are not meant to be won, they are meant to be continuous.

These wars are not meant to be won, they are meant to be continuous.

The Unjabbed

The Unjabbed are truly a different breed from the rest. They threw every lie they could think of at us, and we didn't flinch.

The Unjabbed are truly a different breed from the rest.

They threw every lie they could think of at us, and we didn’t flinch.

Climate Emergency

There is no “Climate Emergency”. Even if there was, the government couldn't do anything about it. The only emergency we have is a “Corruption Emergency” in Washington, D.C.! And WE can do something about that!

There is no “Climate Emergency”. Even if there was, the government couldn’t do anything about it.

The only emergency we have is a “Corruption Emergency” in Washington, D.C.! And WE can do something about that!

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