Daniel Hannan Speaks at The Army and Navy Club

Daniel Hannan is an outstanding British conservative thinker, is an outspoken opponent of big government, and is unafraid to speak against liberal tyranny. Many are comparing him favorably to Margaret Thatcher.

Mr. Hannan first rose to prominence in the United States when as a representative to the European Parliament, he gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a blistering ass chewing for leading the Labour Party’s liberal policies which have caused economic disaster in the United Kingdom. A video of the lashing was posted on YouTube and received more than 630,000 hits within 24 hours. (It is worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.) Mr. Hannan appeared on Sean Hannity the same evening, and on Glen Beck the next day, and has been a hit of American Conservative Movement ever since.

Mr Hannan is presently in the United States speaking against the Obama Administration’s policies in general and socialized medicine in particular.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

You Were Warned

British Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan tells Glenn Beck about the United Kingdom’s national health care program and warns Americans about what it will inevitably mean for us: long waits and delays, rationing by the state, astronomical costs and the end of the traditional doctor-patient relationship.

He also explains why, once the socialized medical bureaucratic structure is in place, it’s HERE TO STAY. He cites a few of the typical waiting periods for some procedures: Cataract surgery: 8 months; Hip replacement: 11 months; Knee replacement: 12 months; Slipped disc: 8 months; Hernia repair: 5 months.

Hat tip Free Republic