The Real Deporter In Chief

The Real Deporter and Chief
During Obama’s rein over 2.5 million illegal immigrants were deported, this number equates to half a million more than during the George W. Bush administration. Obama within many circles was labeled the “Deporter in Chief

ICE enforcement of this policy has been common place in many cities throughout Obama’s terms and never reported by the Mainstream Media. No video’s, no protests, no outrage and not a dissenting peep from the Democrats.

The current ICE raids, rounding up illegal immigrants who have committed felonies and already had deportation orders are the ones be being targeted by ICE. This in fact is a continuation of the Obama policies, these scheduled raids had little to nothing to do with the Trump administration.

Obama’s policy on deporting illegal immigrants was well noted in numerous speeches throughout his two terms and was never met with a word of opposition.

But now these very same policies, that were enacted by Obama to uphold the rule of law regarding illegal immigration, are being used by the very same democrats who were silent, to bash Trump to make him look like the man ripping little Mexican children off the street clinging to their teddy bears.

The problem with Obama’s illegal immigration policy was really not flawed from the street level. The policy was flawed post deportation. This is why so many of these criminals who were deported under the Obama administration, through ICE lacked success. The reason? These illegal immigrants would simply re-enter through our porous southern border, to carry on their crimes over and over again.

Trumps policies on illegal immigration actually mirror those of Obama’s. The difference? KEEPING THEM OUT! This is where the border wall, increased border patrols and security play a major role. When you look at the billions of dollars spent capturing, processing and deporting illegal criminals over and over again, the cost of that “wall” starts to look far more cost-effective.

We are a nation of laws that must be adhered to. Illegal cannot be justified, especially for so many that are working to enter the country legally.

The hypocrisy and politicizing of the left is absolutely disgraceful, considering they applauded the very same policies on immigration the Obama echoed so many times.

This can serve as a lesson for all those simple-minded fools protesting the policies of Obama, that they now blame Trump for.

The Real Deporter and Chief


Senate Report: Planned Parenthood Broke Laws Against Profiting From Fetal Tissue

Planned Parenthood Broke Laws Against Profiting From Fetal Tissue

According to a new Senate Report, Planned Parenthood affiliates broke the laws against profiting from fetal tissue sales and knowingly turned a blind eye to the problem. The report recommends the Justice Department investigate Planned Parenthood and bring charges.

Following an investigation into the practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies and potentially breaking federal laws governing the practice, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is recommending that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics caught selling the body parts to face criminal charges.

Chairman Grassley is referring several Planned Parenthood affiliates and companies involved in sales of aborted baby parts , as well as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, to the FBI and the Department of Justice for investigation and possible prosecution.

“I don’t take lightly making a criminal referral. But, the seeming disregard for the law by these entities has been fueled by decades of utter failure by the Justice Department to enforce it,” Grassley said. “And, unless there is a renewed commitment by everyone involved against commercializing the trade in aborted fetal body parts for profit, then the problem is likely to continue.”

Grassley’s referral follows the completion of a Senate Judiciary Committee majority staff analysis of more than 20,000 pages of documents provided voluntarily by the organizations and companies involved. While the impetus for the investigation was the release of a series of videos regarding transfers of fetal tissue by the Center for Medical Progress, the committee’s analysis and findings are based strictly on the documents obtained independently from tissue procurement companies and Planned Parenthood.

Here are conclusions from the committee’s report:

•    Despite the clear legislative history of the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act, the executive branch across multiple administrations has failed to enforce the law’s safeguards.

•    Since 2010, three companies – Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.; StemExpress, LLC; and Novogenix Laboratories, LLC (Novogenix has since gone out of business) – have paid affiliates of Planned Parenthood Federation of America to acquire aborted fetuses, and then sold the fetal tissue to their respective customers at substantially higher prices than their documented costs.

•    The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) initially had a policy in place to ensure its affiliates were complying with the law, but the affiliates failed to follow its fetal tissue reimbursement policy.  When PPFA learned in 2011 of this situation, PPFA cancelled the policy rather than exercise oversight to bring the affiliates back into compliance.   Thus, PPFA not only turned a blind eye to the affiliates’ violations of its fetal tissue policy, but also altered its own oversight procedures enabling those affiliates’ practices to continue unimpeded.

•    The cost analyses provided by affiliates of Planned Parenthood for America lack sufficient documentation and rely on unreasonably broad and vague claims of costs for “the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control or storage of” fetal tissue.  Planned Parenthood attorneys acknowledge that the affiliates had failed to follow procedures put in place to ensure compliance with the law.  In addition, the cost analyses were only performed long after the fact and at the insistence of the committee.

The full report details the long history of the controversy surrounding human fetal tissue research and the bipartisan legislative approach taken to resolve the issue at the time, as well as the subsequent lack of enforcement.

As the report explains, “Support for the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act was premised on the idea that the ban on buying or selling fetal tissue would be a safeguard against the development for a market for human fetuses.  Tragically, the executive branch has either failed or simply refused to enforce that safeguard.  As a result, contrary to the intent of the law, companies have charged thousands of dollars for specimens removed from a single aborted fetus; they have claimed the fees they charged only recovered acceptable costs when they had not, in fact, conducted any analysis of their costs when setting the fees; and their post hoc accounting rationalizations invoked indirect and tenuously-related costs in an attempt to justify their fees.”


From page 55 of the report:
From page 55 of the report


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