The Republicans

The Republicans control the House. They control the Senate. But somehow, they still can’t let Trump do what needs to be done for the American people. Balancing the budget? Stopping the corruption? Nope. There’s always ‘something’ in the way. Almost like they don’t actually want to fix anything.

The Republicans control the House. They control the Senate. But somehow, they still can’t let Trump do what needs to be done for the American people. Balancing the budget? Stopping the corruption? Nope. There’s always ‘something’ in the way. Almost like they don’t actually want to fix anything.

The Real Authoritarians

They call Trump a 'fascist' for trying to shrink the government and cut out the fraud. Meanwhile, the real authoritarians expand their power, silence dissent, and loot the treasury.

They call Trump a ‘fascist’ for trying to shrink the government and cut out the fraud. Meanwhile, the real authoritarians expand their power, silence dissent, and loot the treasury.

A Thief

If a man steals from you and refuses to let you count what’s missing, he’s a thief. If a politician takes your money and fights tooth and nail against an audit, what do you think that makes him?

If a man steals from you and refuses to let you count what’s missing, he’s a thief. If a politician takes your money and fights tooth and nail against an audit, what do you think that makes him?

A Lifetime Politician

“Lifetime politician” is just a polite way of saying “professional liar with a pension.” They shake hands with one pocket and pick yours with the other. The only thing they serve is themselves.

“Lifetime politician” is just a polite way of saying “professional liar with a pension.” They shake hands with one pocket and pick yours with the other. The only thing they serve is themselves.

A Full Audit of Congress

We want a full audit of every member of Congress. We want to know how they all became multi-millionaires.

We want a full audit of every member of Congress. We want to know how they all became multi-millionaires.

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