Tag: Conspiracy Theory
This Is Exactly What Happened
The Global Elite along with the Uniparty released a virus… used it to rig an election… then had the FBI dress as Patriots and stage an Insurrection.
And Everybody knows it.
The Global Elite along with the Uniparty released a virus… used it to rig an election… then had the FBI dress as Patriots and stage an Insurrection.
And Everybody knows it.
There Must Be Something Different About Us
It’s a spell. Satan’s spell. I honestly think the ones that aren’t under it were recruited or volunteered to come here to help. There must be something different about us. There has to be. The stuff everyone else can’t see… Well, there is something different about us… we were always the black sheep and always different. I guess in a way we were being trained for being outcasts. So that when this time came that we would be cast out and persecuted, we would be ready and clear minded. It’s like playing a video game that you are already super used to playing… you are bound to do better than other players.
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