Project Blue Beam: The Plan To Implement a New World Order

The concept of Project Blue Beam can be traced back to a 1994 book called

In recent times, one topic that has fascinated both skeptics and enthusiasts alike is Project Blue Beam.

The concept of Project Blue Beam can be traced back to a 1994 book called “Project Blue Beam: NASA’s Plan to Implement a New World Order” by Serge Monast. While some view the book as a work of fiction, it sparked a wave of interest in the idea of a grand-scale technological manipulation of human perception. Monast alleged that the project was a part of a larger plan by the New World Order to establish a single global government and religion by using a combination of advanced technology and psychological manipulation.

The Four Steps of Project Blue Beam

The plan unfolds in four distinct steps, each building upon the previous one to achieve its ultimate goal.

  1. Step One: Engineered Earthquakes and Disasters – This step suggests that the use of advanced technology, such as high-frequency weapons or weather manipulation, would create earthquakes, hurricanes, or other natural disasters including a possible pandemic in order to cause widespread chaos and panic.
  2. Step Two: Holographic Projection – The second step proposes the use of advanced holographic technology to project realistic and convincing images in the sky. These holograms could include religious figures, alien spacecraft, or other phenomena, with the intention of manipulating people’s beliefs and creating a sense of a global crisis or imminent threat.
  3. Step Three: Telepathic Electronic Mind Control – This step implies the use of sophisticated electronic devices to transmit specific messages directly to people’s minds. The idea is that individuals would hear voices or experience mental manipulations, making them susceptible to the intended psychological and emotional impact of the project.
  4. Step Four: Simulated Second Coming or Alien Invasion – The final step suggests that Project Blue Beam would culminate in a staged event involving either a simulated second coming of a religious figure, such as Jesus Christ or the Prophet Muhammad, or a grandiose alien invasion. The purpose of this event would be to unite humanity under a single world government or religion, or to create a state of fear and submission to those orchestrating the conspiracy.

To achieve a New World Order with a global religion, they must first abolish all Christian traditional religions in favor of a single religion based on the “cult of man”. Then they abolish all national identity and national pride in favor of world identity and world pride. Finally, they have to abolish the family as known today and replace it by individuals, all working for the glory of one-world government. All of these are happening today with the attack on Christianity, the destruction of families by ensuring that children are educated by the state and not by their parents, and the orchestrated mass migration all across the world.

What happened to Serge Monast?

Around 1995, Monast’s two children were taken from him and made wards of the state, and in 1996 he was arrested “for involvement in ‘networks of prohibited information.'” After spending the night in jail, Monast died of a heart attack, though many of his followers believe he was instead poisoned with a “psychotropic weapon.”


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