Boston Hero

Two boys in Boston were playing basketball when one of them was attacked by a rabid Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy picked up a board lying nearby, wedged it into the dog’s collar and twisted it, breaking the dog’s neck and thus ending the attack. His friend was saved.

A newspaper reporter from the Boston Globe witnessed the incident and rushed over to interview the boy. Realizing he had less than 20 minutes to get the story entered for the next edition, the reporter began entering the story into his laptop as he did the interview, beginning with the headline:

Brave Young Celtics Fan Saves Friend From Jaws Of Vicious Animal

“But I’m not a Celtics fan,” interjected the little hero, looking over the reporter’s shoulder as he typed.

“Sorry,” replied the reporter, “but since we’re in Boston, I just assumed you were.”

Hitting the delete key, the reporter replaced the head:

John Kerry Supporter Rescues Friend From Horrific Dog Attack

“I don’t like Kerry either,” the boy responds.

“Huh,” the reporter says. “I assumed everybody in this state was either for the Celtics, Kerry or Kennedy. OK, then, what team or person do you like?”

“I’m a Houston Rockets fan and I really like George W. Bush,” the boy says.

Hitting the delete key, the reporter began again:

Arrogant Conservative Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet


Rush Limbaugh Explains Liberalism

“Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” ~ Ronald Reagan

Conservative talk show radio host Rush Limbaugh on Friday broke down “liberalism” in a detailed-yet-simplistic way for his listeners.

Limbaugh argued that “in a free country, people will not choose liberalism.”

“If they want to eat salt, they’ll eat it. If they want to eat trans fats, they’ll eat it. If they want to eat beef, they’ll eat it,” he explained. “The only way liberals can get you to live the way they want you to is to deny you freedom to do what you want to do. And they’re not happy with you living and thinking in ways other than the way they live and think. You must conform.”

The undisputed king of talk radio also claimed that “liberals cannot survive in an unrigged contest in the arena of ideas.” That’s because, according to Limbaugh, “they are not about ideas.”

“Liberals are not about choice; they are about imposition. The way they live, the way they believe, must be imposed on people, otherwise they won’t do it on their own,” he added. “It’s taken them 50, 60 years to get to this point of conditioning people, of taking hold of the education system, the university, academia system, the media. It’s taken a long time to condition people not to stand up for themselves, not to exercise freedom, not to speak outside the acceptable norms. What is political correctness but speech censorship, is all it is.”



The Obama IRS Targeting Scandal in Five Minutes – Unbelievable Abuse of Power

Plain and simple… Obama used the IRS to target conservative groups during the 2012 election to rig the results. Aren’t you glad they’ll soon be managing your health care?

The Obama IRS Targeting Scandal in Five Minutes – Unbelievable Abuse of Power
Exposing the Obama Administration’s attack on conservative Americans

The IRS targeted hundreds of conservative groups since 2010. 500 conservative and Christian groups were illegally targeted by the Obama IRS starting in 2010. For twenty-seven months the Obama IRS refused to approve any Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status. At the same time the Obama IRS approved dozens of progressive applications within weeks.



We Have Your Back


Sarah PalinWhether you agree or disagree with this soldier’s opinions, I think we can all agree that the apparent retribution he faced for proudly reading certain authors is outrageous.

I’d love to see more of America’s finest, our men and women in uniform, along with everybody else proudly and boldly reading more writings from patriots who pinpoint who is trying to kill our Constitution. Americans obviously need to know why it’s imperative we don’t roll over and succumb to these attempts to fundamentally transform America into a populace of sheep merely grazing, and then atrophying, under tyranny. This IS a battle between liberty and tyranny, as the title of Mark Levin’s book declares. The authors and commentators mentioned in the article linked below will help more of our loved ones understand this by articulately explaining what the radical Left’s leadership is doing to our country.

Yes, if more citizens would hear and read Rush, The Great One, et al., the empowerment of the average person would provide the energy and encouragement to take a stand and proclaim, “No more!” It’s time. Troops – especially you – have fought for the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. Your brothers and sisters have died in this battle to defend liberty. Please know that a grateful nation won’t let your sacrifices be in vain. We have your back.

I’d love to see pictures of our troops reading any of these apparently “banned” pro-America books. Don’t show your face or name in the photo, perhaps just your liberty-loving hands around a liberty-loving book or hands on a radio dial tuning in to hear the aforementioned conservative leaders speak truth. What is the use in fighting and dying for freedom in far away countries if they take away freedom at home? Post a pic.

– Sarah Palin

Here is the article I’m referencing:

Conservative Christian Soldier Told Not to Read Levin or Hannity in Uniform


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