I’m just sayin!
Evan Sayet explains how Liberals have turned thinking into a Hate Crime.
Conservative thinker, writer, and speaker Evan Sayet spoke at a gathering of political activists this past weekend and explained how and why the accusation of bigotry has been levied against conservatives.
Sayet explains how anyone who isn’t a lockstep leftist is confronted with an uncomfortable choice: think and be accused of bigotry and hate, or avoid it and be welcomed into the arms of the “progressive” family.
Charlton Heston, the former actor and president of the National Rifle Association, gave a prophetic speech in 2000 in defense of the Second Amendment. He ended that speech with his now famous phrase, “From my cold dead hands!”
Truer words could not be spoken any clearer!
During the height of the 2000 election season, Heston delivered a rousing speech at the NRA Convention in which he closed by invoking an old Second Amendment battle cry as he raised a vintage 1874 buffalo rifle over his head: “So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, (presidential candidate) Mr. (Al) Gore: ‘From my cold, dead hands.’”
The “cold, dead hands” saying did not originate with Heston. It had been around since the 1970s, when it was used as a slogan for literature and bumper stickers by gun rights activists. The slogan didn’t even originate with the NRA; it was first used by the Washington-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
But Heston’s usage of those five words in 2000 made them iconic. Gun owners across the nation began using the slogan as a rallying cry, saying, “You can have my guns when you take them from my cold, dead hands.” Heston is often incorrectly attributed with coining the phrase. When he resigned from the NRA presidency in 2003 due to his declining health, he again raised the rifle over his head and repeated, “From my cold, dead hands.”
Leadership cannot thrive on division or uncertainty. It depends on an unshakable commitment to sound principles. That is where Ronald Reagan excelled as a president.
The following editorial was written July 13, 1987, by William J. O’Neil, founder and chairman of what was then known as Investor’s Daily. At the time, Lt. Col. Oliver North had just finished a full week of testifying before Congress on the Iran-Contra affair, responding to the Tower Commission report earlier in the year that had faulted the Reagan administration for the scandal. Reagan accepted full responsibility. Amid an ongoing media clamor, our editorial put Reagan’s presidency in a much broader context, one that since has been vindicated by history.
Teddy Roosevelt was once asked how often he expected his decisions to be right. He confessed that if he could be right 75% of the time, he’d be doing great.
So how often should our presidents be right? Should we demand they be correct 100% of the time?
If President Reagan has been on target seven or eight times out of 10, and he makes a mistake, should it be blown into a national crisis? The leader who makes no mistakes is the leader who makes no decisions, takes no risks and therefore achieves nothing for us.
1. He lifted price controls on domestic oil amid protests that prices would skyrocket. Instead, oil topped and inflation unwound.
2. He rebuilt our depleted defenses and restored pride in our military so that a voluntary peacetime army became a reality.
3. He cut, over congressional objections, everybody’s taxes and slowed the explosive growth rate of government spending.
4. Inflation dropped from a high of 13.5% in 1980 to 1.9% in 1986.
5. The prime rate has dropped from 21% in 1980 to 8.25%.
6. He launched one of the longest economic recoveries on record.
7. He revitalized the ideal of democracy throughout the world and witnessed the trend shift from socialism toward free enterprise.
8. He took a strong stand on drugs. Budget authority for drug law enforcement, abuse prevention and treatment has climbed 150%.
9. He rewrote the tax laws after everyone said it couldn’t be done.
10. He stood firm at Reykjavik on the SDI when our media said his stand was wrong. Now the Russians are at the negotiating table.
11. His invasion of Grenada sent Cubans home, rescued grateful American students and surprised our negative national media.
12. He subdued, with the Libyan raid, Gadhafi and his terrorists.
13. U.S. fighter jets successfully forced down the Egyptian jetliner carrying terrorists from the Achille Lauro ship hijacking.
14. He properly assisted the Philippines in its break from a right-wing dictator’s rule.
15. He did the same for Haiti.
16. He cracked down on Soviet spies and thefts of U.S. technology, and reached parity with the Soviets in embassy and U.N. personnel.
17. He’s the first president since Truman to halt the spreading tide of communism, by providing help and encouragement to democratic resistance fighters in Afghanistan, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
1. The Iran arms sale.
2. Sending U.S. Marines to Lebanon as part of a four-nation peacekeeping force without sufficient intelligence support.
Success 17, mistakes two. Most Americans would say batting .895 is an outstanding record.