Ronald Reagan Explains The Meaning Of Fascism

The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, explains the true meaning of Fascism.

In a Dec. 14, 1975 interview with 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace, Ronald Reagan discussed his political philosophy, saying that “the heart of my philosophy is much more libertarianism, than –.” Wallace then interrupted, “Well, that’s the fashionable word these days, I guess. A conservative is no longer just that, he’s a libertarian.”

Reagan continued, “It always has been. How do we call a liberal? You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.”

“And what is fascism?” Reagan said. “Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy?”

“The conservative, so-called, is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny,” he said.



Nigel Evans Blasts Opponents Of President Trump

There are some people out there that know exactly why Donald Trump was elected. Apparently British Member of Parliament Nigel Evans is one of them.

During the British Petitions Committee Debate on President Trump’s State Visit to the UK, Nigel Evans defended President Trump, pointing out the irony of Mr. Trump being condemned for actually delivering on his promises, how there is no evidence to support the charge that he is a racist, how condemning Mr. Trump would be also condemning the 61 million United States people that voted for him.

Mr. Evans also points out that if the American people wanted the usual stuff (Hillary Clinton/ establishment) that it was on the ballot and the people decided against it and in favor of Donald Trump.

Sit back and enjoy his passionate defense of President Trump and the American voters!

After protests and petitions against President Donald Trump’s invitation for a state visit to the United Kingdom this year from Prime Minister Theresa May, Welsh members of Parliament debated the issue Monday.

Paul Flynn said the U.K. should “set an example” by not allowing the Trump visit.

“We’ve had people here who are very unsavory characters,” Flynn said, according to the BBC. “Certainly we can’t try to imitate the errors of the past, we should set an example by making sure we don’t make those mistakes again.”

But Nigel Evans, a conservative member of Parliament, stood up and blasted opponents of the Trump visit.

“For those who find it difficult to understand that the American people voted for Donald Trump, get over it because he’s president of the United States,” Evans said.

He added that “we have to ask ourselves why is it that people felt so left behind that they made the democratic decisions that they have” and then compared last year’s Brexit vote to the Trump election.

“Just like we had the forgotten people in United Kingdom, there are the forgotten people in the United States of America,” Evans continued. “We may not like some of the things that he says, and I certainly don’t like some of the things that he’s said in the past, but I do respect the fact that he stood on a platform which he is now delivering. He’s going to go down in history as being roundly condemned for being the only politician to deliver on his promises.”

Evans added that he’s seen “no evidence” that Trump is “racist” — which drew a number of gasps in the crowd — and that attacks on Trump are, in effect, attacks on “the American people.”

“If they wanted more of the same or the ‘usual stuff,’ well that was on the ballot paper,” he said. “But they decided by the majority of states in the Electoral College, as it works, that they wanted Donald Trump.”

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