Forensic Audits

Forensic Audits will help us figure out how a leaky faucet in Atlanta stopped the vote count in 5 states at the same time. Did we ever see a work order for that leak? No, because there was no leak.


Sunset Clauses

All laws except the Constitution itself should have sunset clauses. If it’s a good law, they can pass it again. If it’s a bad law, it can go away on its own. And keeping legislators busy trying to re-up existing laws would slow them down in creating new ones that only line their own pockets.


The Arizona Forensic Audit

The Arizona Forensic Audit may confirm that the 2020 Election was fraudulent, that the new Congress is fraudulent, that the new President the new Congress has sworn in is fraudulent and that every Executive Order, Federal Judge, law and bill passed and appointed by them are also fraudulent.


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