Trump: “One Of My Greatest Achievements” Will Be EXPOSING This CORRUPTION!

Remember this? One of My Greatest Achievements will be EXPOSING this CORRUPTION! (1:02)

From RealClear Politics:

On his way to Colorado Springs Thursday morning to deliver the commencement address at the US Air Force Academy graduation, President Trump stopped to answer questions from members the press on the White House lawn, as he usually does.

When asked about Russian collusion in the wake of special counsel Mueller’s final statement on Wednesday, Trump said: “No, Russia did not help me get elected. You know who got me elected? You know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all.”

“This was all about Russia, Russia, Russia,” he said. “They don’t talk about Russia anymore because it turned out to be a hoax.”

“It was a false accusation, a totally false accusation and it’s a disgrace and it’s a very — it’s a very sad period for this country. And I think in the end I will consider what’s happening now to be one of my greatest achievements, exposing this corruption,” Trump said.

When asked about the growing chorus of members of Congress calling for impeachment, the president said: “I never thought that would even be possible to be using that word. To me, it’s a dirty word, the word impeach. It’s a dirty, filthy, disgusting word and it had nothing to do with me.”

“I don’t think so, because there was no crime. You know it’s high crimes and, not with or or, it’s high crimes and misdemeanors. There was no high crime and there was no misdemeanor, so how do you impeach based on that?”

He repeated: “Honestly, I hope it goes down as one of my greatest achievements, because I’ve exposed corruption, I’ve exposed corruption like nobody knew existed.”

Term Limits

Term Limits

Term limits would increase the likelihood that people who come to Congress would anticipate returning to careers in the private sector and therefore would, as they legislate, think about what it is like to live under the laws they make.

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