Confucius Say Confucius Say: Calm Seas March 13, 2016December 21, 2015 gags Calm seas never produce able seamen.
Confucius Say Quotes Confucius Say: Best Doctor March 12, 2016December 21, 2015 gags The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can’t ask his patients what is the matter-he’s got to just know.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: Pampered Cow March 11, 2016December 20, 2015 gags Who pamper his cow, will get spoiled milk.
Confucius Say Quotes Confucius Say: Handle A Needle March 10, 2016December 19, 2015 gags Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there.
Confucius Say Confucius Say: First Breath March 9, 2016December 18, 2015 gags First breath of love is last breath of wisdom.