
Have you ever noticed to maintain your “Freedom” you need to obey an increasing number of laws?

Have you ever noticed to maintain your “Freedom” you need to obey an increasing number of laws?


The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your Grandchildren will never know existed.

The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your Grandchildren will never know existed.

A Single Bee

A single bee is ignored, but when millions come together, even the bravest run in fear. The one thing government fears is the day we stand together.

A single bee is ignored, but when millions come together, even the bravest run in fear.

The one thing government fears is the day we stand together.


When did freeloaders become more important than taxpayers?

When did freeloaders become more important than taxpayers?


Lawfare — So when Trump takes out a loan and pays it back with interest, it's a crime. But when you take out a student loan and don't pay it back, then Biden forgives the loan, steals money from taxpayers to pay it back, it's not a crime.

So when Trump takes out a loan and pays it back with interest, it’s a crime. But when you take out a student loan and don’t pay it back, then Biden forgives the loan, steals money from taxpayers to pay it back, it’s not a crime.

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