Political Just One More Thing On Mrs. Clinton’s Memory September 9, 2016 gags Just one more thing on Mrs. Clinton’s memory. If Mrs. Clinton cannot remember how to identify a classified document… how can she claim to never having sent or received one?
Political Just One More Thing On The Kahn Family August 23, 2016 gags Just one more thing on the Kahn family. Can you explain why the Kahn family is not angry at the Islamic Terrorists that killed their son? But is angry at Donald Trump for wanting to keep Islamic Terrorists out of the U.S.?
Political Just One More Thing Madame Secretary Clinton August 1, 2016July 31, 2016 gags Just one more thing Madame Secretary Clinton. Trump said to Russia, “I hope you are able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.” You stated “Trump invited a foreign power to invade our National Security.” I thought you claimed you never sent classified material.