Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

After reliving the scandals in this video, it is easy to see how the Clintons have perfected corruption and have been grooming Hillary for the presidency.

Pass it on!

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons were despicable; so were the Bushes; so is Obama. All presidents have been despicable, and the congress has always been, as Mark Twain observed, “The best money can buy.”

The fault lies with the gullible, ignorant, and stupid voters.

And in 2016 they’re ready again to vote another charlatan into office. The voters always look for a messiah to save them, because they want something for nothing. The next 8 years will be more war —perhaps a limited nuclear war; more erosion of liberty; more immigration; more outsourcing of jobs; more for the rich, less for the rest; more environmental pollution; more police brutality; more censorship; a major false-flag event; etc., etc., etc… Now, here’s sports!



Hillary “Shocked!” By Trump’s “Locker Room Banter”

Crooked Hillary’s October Surprise… Trump’s locker room banter! Is that all she’s got?

The State-Run media and the Clinton campaign released a recording of Donald Trump talking about hitting on a hot woman in 2005.

Hillary Clinton tweeted out that she was “shocked!” in response to the audio!


Does anyone remember the stained blue dress? Hey, Hillary have you forgotten that your husband was playing doctor with a cigar in the Oval Office?


How about Bill caught on video grabbing a stewardess’ crotch?


Flashback: More Clinton Funny Money

From 2007: More Clinton Funny Money: Recipients Of Bill Clinton’s Controversial 11th-Hour Pardons Donated Thousands To Hillary’s Presidential Campaign

A legacy of corruption!

hillary-bill-clintonIt seems that not only is Hillary taking money from questionable Chinese donors but she is also not tipping waitresses with money she is taking from Bill’s controversial pardons.

The media’s response – chip, chirp.

Hillary Clinton Takes Cash From Recipients of Husband’s Controversial Pardons

Three recipients of controversial 11th-hour pardons issued by former President Bill Clinton in January 2001 have donated thousands of dollars to the presidential campaign of his wife, Democratic front-runner Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., according to campaign finance records examined by ABC News, in what some good government groups said created an appearance of impropriety.

“It’s not illegal,” Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told ABC News. “But, of course, it’s inappropriate and she should return the money. It does raise the appearance that this is payback.

“One can only hope that she wasn’t yet aware of who made the donations,” said Sloan.

“We have raised over $65 million from over 200,000 people,” said Clinton campaign manager Howard Wolfson, adding sarcastically, “I appreciate your bringing the instance of this $5,300 and these three people to our attention.”

Pardonees Donate to Clinton

One of the pardonees who has become a donor to Sen. Clinton is David Herdlinger, a former prosecutor in Springdale, Ark., who, according to press accounts at the time of his pardon pleaded guilty in 1986 to mail fraud after taking bribes to reduce or drop charges against defendants charged with drunken driving offenses.

Now a life and business coach in Georgia, Herdlinger was pardoned by President Clinton in January 2001; he donated $1,000 to Sen. Clinton’s presidential campaign in August.

Insurance agent Alfredo Regalado, who gave Hillary Clinton $2,000, was pardoned by her husband for failing to “report the transportation of currency in excess of $10,000 into the United States,” according to the Department of Justice.

Allegedly Mishandled Government Secrets

John Deutch is a different case, having served as President Clinton’s CIA director.

Pardoned by President Clinton for charges he had mishandled government secrets — but before the Department of Justice could file the proper paperwork against him — Deutch, now a professor at MIT, gave Sen. Clinton the maximum allowable donation, $2,300.

Neither Herdlinger nor Regalado nor Deutch could be reached for comment.

“This is another argument for restoring the presidential public financing system,” said Common Cause’s Mary Boyle. “Is there an appearance here that this is kind of a payback for the pardons? I’m sure it could look that way for some people. But they’re exercising their free and perfectly legal right to give a campaign contribution.”

Controversial Pardons

The 177 pardons and commutations President Clinton issued in the closing hours of his presidency in January 2001 ignited a firestorm of controversy, most especially the one issued for financier Marc Rich, considered the biggest tax cheat in history, whom Rudy Giuliani had successfully indicted as a U.S. attorney.

But other controversies more closely involved Hillary Clinton.

In August 2000, during her first Senate run, Clinton met with the Hasidic community in New Square, where many members were working to obtain clemency for four members of their community who had been convicted of stealing tens of millions of dollars from the state and federal government.

The town overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, and in January 2001, the four men were granted clemency. Hillary Clinton had met with members of the community in August 2000, but said the issue did not come up.

The subject of clemency was raised in a December 2000 meeting between President Clinton and Sen.-elect Clinton, and leaders of the village, but the outgoing-first lady said at the time she had no opinion.

In June 2002, then-U.S. attorney James Comey closed an investigation into the matter with no action against anyone.

Clinton’s Brothers Paid

Hillary Clinton’s brother Hugh Rodham , was paid approximately $200,000 from Almon Glenn Braswell, whom President Clinton pardoned for mail fraud and perjury, as was Carlos Vignali, whose sentence for cocaine trafficking was commuted. News of his involvement in the pardon controversy prompted an outrage in Washington, D.C.

“I knew nothing about my brother’s involvement in these pardons,” Sen. Clinton said at the time. “I knew nothing about his taking money for his involvement.”

The Clintons asked Hugh Rodham to return the cash, which he did.

Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham was paid $244,769 over 2½ years by a carnival company, United Shows of America, owned by Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory. The Gregorys had been convicted of bank fraud and were seeking pardons. Tony Rodham has said he mentioned their pardon application to his brother-in-law, who ultimately granted the Gregorys a pardon. But Rodham said he was not paid for anything having to do with the pardon.

The estate of the Gregorys sued Tony Rodham this year, saying $107,000 if the money he received was a loan. Rodham and the estate settled the case in September.


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